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"But you are indeed pregnant." He informs me looking up from the papers to me. Half smiling. I close my eyes and let the tears prick my eyes.

"Thank you doc." Matthew says to him as him and the nurse leave the room. I sit up and put my head in my hands as the tears fell. I feel arms wrapping around me and pulling me into them, knowing it was Cameron since he was in front of me. He rubs my back softly, kissing my forehead.

 I slowly pull away from him and wipe my tears away, rubbing my cheeks to get any makeup that may be on my cheeks, like mascara off. I sigh and look at the nurse as she has me sign some papers. "Have a nice day, love." She smiles at me before walking out of the small room. I stay quiet and walk out to the van in the parking lot. Cameron and Matthew saying stuff to each other quietly, well I could hear exactly what they were saying but I didn't pay any attention to it.

Climbing into the car and taking the seat furthest away from the door. Leaning my head against the window and pulling my headphones out plugging them into my ears and looking at the music on my phone playing, HeadLights by Eminem ft. Nate Ruess.

Going into my messages and pulling up my messages with Nash, seeing he had replied and I never even read it... But he was just saying that he is going to tell his girly friend. I start typing away on my screen, saying that he better let me know what happens before going to my messages with Carter and texting him, I wanted him to know first. Since he's one of the closest one's besides Cameron and Matt to me.

- To Cartehh Don't Do Datt

Carter, the test was positive, I'm fucking pregnant. So guess what? We're both having kids ! Great. Just great.

Since it was iMessage I watched as he read the message and started typing a reply. I feel a hand on my thigh and I look away from my phone seeing Cameron looking at me, with a cute little grin on his face. Removing one of my headphones.

"Smile baby, you have no reason to cry, I mean I get that we're both young and we both don't need to have a baby but we both can care for it, I'll be by your side the whole time." He says leaning over and pressing his lips to mine softly. I smile slightly before pulling away and nodding my head. Looking back down at my phone reading Carter's reply.

- From Cartehh Don't Do Datt

Damn, I really was hoping you weren't. Not because I don't think you guys can raise it, but because you and Cameron just, aren't ready and well you are, but I don't know about him. He's a little immature and I want him to grow up a little before he has a kid, especially with you Cal. I love Cameron and all, but I just feel like he needs to drop all his girls, aka Morgan because I know that you and him will deff. fight over the girls and I don't want to see you upset . Plus you have your whole life ahead of you... Your 18 Callie... That's so young...

- To Cartehh Don't Do Datt

I get where your coming from and I think all the boys know he will never really give up Morgan... It's a given, I just feel like they have a really special connection and he will always like her. Idk. But hey, I'll talk to when I get back to the hotel. I'm omw rn.

I lock my phone and close my eyes letting it set in. I have a little human inside of me, that's crazy. Hard to believe to. I slowly lay one hand on my stomach and sigh opening my eyes unlocking my phone and putting the current song, Headlights on repeat.

I see Carter replied and open the message.

- From Cartehh Don't Do Datt

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