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April 1st, 2014

It's been a while since the day I insisted on going sky diving.... Needless to say the boys wouldn't let me since I'm pregnant.

Which I find totally retarded because I'm pregnant not handicapped.

Like bro? Really? That's like me telling you that you can't have sex because your tongue is short..

But as of now I'm home on a Tuesday waiting for Cameron to come pick me up to go to his house with Nash and him. Then on Friday were going to see the baby.

Yeah I rescheduled the appointment because I am just way to nervous.

To be honest, I don't want a kid. Whether its Cameron's kid or someone from my school...

Just it ruins my plans for the future. I wanna wait to go see the baby until Matthew and Carter get here.

Which they get here on Thursday so two more days until I see my best friend and my boo!

I'm so happy to see them. Like really happy. I'm tired of just boring old Angel and Cameron.

I need them to keep me up and out of the dumps. Yeah I don't know what I'm saying.

I hear the honk from Cameron's car and I stand up from the couch walking out to his car.

Seeing two girls and Nash in the backseat. Playitcool. Itdoesn'tbotheryou.

Haha I get shot gun bitches. I open the door sliding inside. Cameron leaning over and kissing me softly. I smile and pull away putting my seatbelt on as he reverses out of the driveway.

"Since the boys are to rude to introduce us, I'm Jordyn and this is Alexa. We're the boys' friends!" The one in the middle says.

I couldn't help but notice the gap between her teeth as I smiled at them. "I'm Callie, also one of the boys' friends. Nice to meet you both!" I beamed at them.

Happily. They seemed nice. A little bit to much makeup, but nice. Cameron looking back at Nash with a worried expression before smiling at me.

Taking my hand into his and kissing the back of it. "We're dropping them off at the hotel then heading out to dinner, a date. Sound like a plan babe?" Cameron smiles at me and I nod my head.

It sounded perfect. "Sounds good." I say looking out at the scenery. "You guys are dating?" Alexa asks nudging Jordyn with her knee a bit as I looked back at them.

"Yeah," I smile as she smirks. "Oh that's lovely." She says smiling, but then just flat out smirking as she looked at Jordyn and Nash rubbed his face.

I felt as if something wasn't right. But I kept my mouth shut. Pulling my hand from Cameron's and pulling my phone out.

But Cameron quickly grabbed it from me. "No phones needed tonight." He says quickly. I glare at him reaching over into his lap and grabbing my phone.

Unlocking it. "As if." I say going onto Twitter. Seeing there were way more mentions then usual but decided against looking at them.

I just tweeted something simple but it was what I was feeling.

Ifeellikeeveryoneknowsthesecretbutme. NdIfeelleftout. Hopetonightgoesgood... Nodramaplz.

I watch as the replies rolled in. One saying

@Callie___ Uhh, have you heard?

-Heard what? I'm so lost.

I close out of the app as Matthew was facetiming me. Of course I answered.

"Callie, you okay? Anything unusual going on? Any drama? With anybody...? Cameron and you good? Any news that seems false? You okay? Hey, I heard twitter is crashing and so is vine and instagram! You shouldn't go on those sites in case it effects your phone... Oh and Cal-" He cuts himself off when he sees Alexa and Jordyn in the backseat.

Just Another Fan (Cameron Dallas) editingWhere stories live. Discover now