//Chapter 1//

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°°°One day it's here an then its gone. How are you still holding on!...°°°

"Me and you forever baby" He whispered so softly into my ear, every night we were together.
I'd run away from home every night to be with him. To sleep in his arms. My favourite place! Where I felt safe. Secure! I was 13 when I first met him. And he was 15. In high school. One of the few days I actually went. We soon stopped going an dropped out. School was fucking lame! Pointless. Well, so I thought back then.
Like me, he was different. He stuck out like a sore thumb. Completely different style to everyone. Different attitude towards life. Different views, like me.
We became friends pretty much straight away. And became close over stories of how fucked up both our lives were. Over alcohol. Pot and music interests. Music was important to me. When my granddad was here, he used to pay for me to have singing lessons. Singing was the only time I felt normal. Human even! It blocked out the past and the pain. I became numb to everything and everyone in life. Apart from music and Matty. They were both my passion. They both kept me alive. Matty and I shared the same love of bands. He was like the male version of me. In a short space of time... He became my love. My saviour. And most importantly, my life!

Every night we'd reminisce about each of our pasts and share our plans for the future. We loved the same things and we loved each other. What ever our future held, we knew it'd be us, together. Forever.
We'd sit on the floor in his bedroom, talking over loud music. Filling the room with pot and smoke. Matty would sit and write songs, getting lost in his own little world, playing his guitar. He was so talented. I'd just happily sit an watch and listen to him play and sing all night. Stuck in a trance. It soothed me.

One night we got so high! I remember him taking me outside to the back garden. We laid down on the cold grass, looking up. Side by side. My hand in his, squeezing it tight to get my attention... He was a guy of many words, but that night, he was pretty speechless.
He told me to look up into the clear night sky, and watch the stars. The small things like this made me love and adore him even more... If that was even possible. We laid there quiet for a few minutes, it may as well have been for hours. I wouldn't of known, or cared.
When he turned to me, our faces only an inch apart. He brought his free hand up to my face, gently tracing his cold fingers across my bottom lip. He looked so deeply into my eyes, stealing my breath, before saying "If you aim for the stars Kay, you soon realise, you can fly to any destination you wish"
He brought his mouth down to mine, kissing me so soft but passionately at the same time. Leaving me almost trembling.
I swear, if I'd have opened my eyes, I'd have seen shooting stars for sure!
He slowly backed away from the kiss. Our eyes meeting again. He told me to make a wish...
"Together. After 3.... 1..2..3!.."

An that was it. That was the last time I saw him, in person.

Now he's just a beautiful stranger. A monster who broke me and ripped my heart out to stamp over it. He realised I wasn't good enough. I was a failure he needed to let go of to become this success!

Now the only time I see or hear from him is when he's on the TV or radio.

His wish came true!

He was my wish! ...... And now... He's just my past!

//For Crying Out Loud...//  Matty Healy story!! (Completed) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now