//Chapter 47//

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"And this.." he pushes the huge double doors open, revealing a massive bedroom. That's probably bigger than my entire - my old - entire flat. It's huge. I look around, gob smacked "this is my room?" i ask him, shocked. Amazed. Not able to stop looking around. He just nods, watching me with a smile "Wow!" i breathe "you like it?" he sits himself down on my king sized bed. My. Mine! "er, it's cool" i shrug. Trying to stop myself being all over the top. A huge bedroom isn't going to make up for years of absence.

"Okay, well. I'll get Jeff to bring your things through" He nods as he stands to his feet "I'll leave you to settle in" he turns with a smile as he sets off towards the doors "dinner will be ready in an hour or so" he shouts across to me before he leaves the room "erm, I'm going out" i tell him. I'm not ready yet to play happy family's around the dinner table. No chance. I wait for him to shout something back. But he doesn't. Good.

I pull my phone out, ready to dial Jamie's number. But then i stop myself. Staring down at it. I can't call him... It's too early to call him, isn't it? He'll think I'm too eager. An I've never done eager. But why not be eager. I wanna be different from the old me. I wanna change. That's why I'm here....

I decide a text is way cooler than a phone call.... And a little less eager. I think.

**Drinks tonight? Dad's driving me caraaazy already. Help!? :/**

I sigh, throwing my phone down on the bed. Not actually expecting anything back. I look down at my phone, checking, not even a minute after sending the message. Disappointment hits me when there's nothing there. So i decide i just need to keep busy. If he doesn't text then... well, he doesn't.

I open the door, deciding to take a tour of my new home. It'll probably take me a full week to check it all out. This house is a ridiculous size. Who the hell needs a house this big. And how the hell has he gone from having nothing, to everything.

I hear my dads voice in a room a couple of doors down from my room. Sounding pissed off. I shouldn't. An i don't know why. But i stand, listening through the door.

I hear my phone ringing after a couple of minutes. I rush back to my room, being all... eager again. Stop it, Kay. God.

I throw myself onto the huge bed, grabbing my phone, ready to answer. He could of just text back, eager boy... i laugh away to myself. But i stop, realising it's not him. Realising it's Lou's name flashing on the screen.

I can't. I'm not ready to hear anything he has to say yet. I'll probably only get something along the lines of "it's about time you fucked off.." anyway. So he can save it. I'm gone. Like he wanted. He doesn't need to tell me how glad and happy he is about it. I'm not strong enough for him to hurt me with his words anymore when i haven't done anything to deserve them.

I look at my phone, when i know he's cut the call. Noticing i have  a text. I stare at it, dreading to read it. Expecting it to be from Lou. I open it slowly. Hardly bearing to look. But i sigh in relief when it says Jamie's name. I open it quickly, not being able to stop smiling

**Sounds good to me. Get a cab too The fox... its a pub ;) An I'll meet you in the next half an hour" i nod. Excited.

**Sounds good 2 me dickhead! ;)** i reply back straight away. Who cares about being eager.

I go to head towards my dad's door to let him know I'm heading out an not to wait up. Wouldn't wanna worry him. I have my key. But i stop when i realise he's still talking and he's still fucked off "you come here. I'll be calling the fucking police! Do you understand" he shouts the last part so loud it makes me jump. 'Do you understand' that's what he used to always say to my mum.

Fuck this!

I'm not waiting around. I run back to my bedroom. Grabbing my phone and purse and head down the stairs. Making a quick get away before he even attempts to turn his anger on to me. I refuse to be like my mum and take any shit off this man when it comes to his anger.

"Miss Kayleigh" Jeff stands from the sofa near the door when he see's me running down the stairs. There's a fucking sofa near the door. How odd.

"Hey" i shout back, but I'm not waiting around for small talk. I carry on heading for the door

"Would you like a lift miss?" he asks, polite as ever

I stop this time to answer him "Er, i can just call a taxi" even though i don't know how to. I don't know where to get one from or the number to call for one

"It's no trouble Kayleigh" he smiles, a genuine smile

"Kay" i correct him. God, not another one. It's three words. Jesus.

"Miss Kay" he smiles, playful, looking as though he's trying to stifle a laugh. I roll my eyes at him but smile back

"O-okay" i stutter. Guess i gotta get used to having this personal taxi driver kinda thing now "Thanks" i tell him as we both head out.


Guyyyyyyyyys! Small filter chapter. Sorryyyyy. But it's like almost 11.30pm now. An i have to be up at 5. Gaaaaaahhh! If i don't update tomorrow (I'll try my hardest) I'll update twice maybe 3 times on saturday. But yeah, least it's a little something :) xXx

//For Crying Out Loud...//  Matty Healy story!! (Completed) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now