//Chapter 7//

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Matty's P.O.V


"Get up, man!" I stir in my bed. Ugh! "Matt- Come on. Get up you lazy git, its 2 in the afternoon!" George shouts prodding me with his finger to wake me up.
"Alright, alright. I'm up!" I say in my groggy, morning voice. Jheez! Am I hung-over! And I've only had like, 3 hours sleep. Not good!
"Time did you actually get in this morning?" He asks me, laughing at me in my fragile state.
"'bout 11ish, I think! Crashed at Gemma's. Fuck, I feel rough!" I moan, rubbing my eyes and stretching out my lifeless limbs as I yawn freely.
"You gotta get up dude, we're heading back home today" he says, with slight excitement to his voice as he heads off into the bathroom and turns on the shower.
I throw myself back down onto the bed, picking up my phone from the side table next to the bed

*4 missed calls and 1 text - all from Louis*

He's clearly missing his big bro, I think to myself, laughing and grinning away to myself.
I lay back down and press the call button on the phone to ring him.
"Sup broooo?" I shout down the phone, much to his annoyance. He's complaining the second he replies. He's in his usual happy mood - NOT! He practically bites my head off for not answering sooner.
"You know how it is, man" I tell him carelessly.
"Hows the acting going, close to fame yet?" I ask, adding a little laugh at the end for humour to try and ease him up a bit.
But its no use.
He sighs down the phone and I know to just shut up at this point. I let him say what he needed to say to me.
But not 5 seconds into his speech... I'm up...
I sit up, bolt right as he goes on...
"What?!" I snap, my eyes glaring into space. "And you're sure about this?" I quiz him. "Whe-when was this? ... today?! You didn't mention me or anything did you? ... Are you sure it's-No, no. Cool, yeah... Hey, thanks man! Tell mum I'll be seeing her later today at some point when I get back. Cheers. - Yeah. Laters!" I shut the phone off. Laying back down onto the bed, throwing my phone across the room with force. Feeling as though my the universe had just sent me back to years ago.
I look up, staring up at the ceiling. Unaware of how I even felt now --- Fuck!!

We're back in Manchester. And it's been far too long since I was last here, 8months, roughly. I get my stuff out of the boot, giving the top of the car a tap to let George know I'm done. He pips the horn and slowly starts to drive off.
I start to take in my surroundings, always feeling strange being back here. It was home... Yet it wasn't.
Let's be honest, here isn't anything like London, my mums gaff isn't exactly as stylish or new as my place in London. But it's still home here. I mean, it's homely. Though I didn't live here that long. I was far too eager to get my own place and live independently. And that's exactly what I did.
As I don't actually have a home here anymore. I was back at my childhood house.
It's still hard sometimes to get a hold of how drastically my life has recently changed. It's crazy that my root's now leave me feeling a little anxious. How these streets were all I knew at one point and now they make me feel like the walls are caving in on me.
Aware some parts of this place, hold painful memories for me.

I wonder what the state of my old flat is in now. If there's anyone new actually living there since I left. I can't imagine anyone living there, it's so shabby and old. It'll probably just be an abandoned building, that's how I imagine it. Shit! I've not actually thought about that place in time.
It brings back far too many memories for me. Good and bad. Happy and painful. But it's memories I can't think about. I have to stop myself, because thinking leads to thoughts. Thoughts lead me to - HER.
Her who's name I refuse to say out loud. Who I refuse to think about. It's took me this long to build a wall around all of that.
And nothing is getting through this wall. I have to protect myself. From the past. From her. Too much shit went off back then. Too many low's in life. Too many question would need answering. It would take too much time. And to be quite honest. I don't have the answers. Or the time.

//For Crying Out Loud...//  Matty Healy story!! (Completed) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now