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Matty's P.O.V--

"How much!?" i ask him, shocked. Almost chocking on air. That's ridiculous! "i only wanna rent it for the day" i spit. He gives me a look to say he's not budging on the price "it wants to be a Bentley for that price" i hand him my card "put it on there" he walks off with a nod, informing me someone will be round shortly with the car. They wanna be hurrying their arses up.

"Don't happen to know a Ken Addison by any chance?" i ask before i open the car door. Short wire but worth a try "No sir" he shakes his head. Thought not. This is gonna be harder than i thought. I'm not ready to give in just yet though. I'm not leaving wthout her. Or at least making her hear me out. She has to know I'm sorry. She has to know how i feel.

The phone rings. I reach over to the hands free to answer "Matty" i shout. Annoyed at getting disturbed. I need to concentrate on what I'm doing "It's Lou, Kay's in trouble!" he says panicked. But his words are slurred "are you drunk?" i laugh "did you hear me. Kay's in trouble" he shouts back "what you mean?" i haven't a fucking clue where i am right now, or where I'm going. I need to find some passers by to see if they can help me. I scan around quickly, but there's no one about. Typical! "i don't know" he sighs down the phone, but his words are still rushed "Gemma showed me a picture of her, on the floor. Passed out. Asleep. I don't know-!" he shouts the last part again "Gemma? What the fuck you doing with Gemma?" i shout back "how would she have a picture of Kay?" i begin to panic slightly. But it doesn't add up. If she's still back at home, then she's obviously not with Kay. She's ovbiously not here "I dunno. She said her brothers there" he waits for me to answer. But i don't. I'm trying to think, brother. She has a brother? Since when? ... Oh shit! "Matt?" I've been quiet for a while "yeah, yeah I'm still here. What's her brothers name?" i ask him rushed "I've no idea. You went out with her" God sakes. I pull over quickly as i can't keep my mind on the road anymore. I grab the phone from it's stand "Jamie. Was it Jamie?" It can't be Jamie. He's still inside! He's got at least another 2 years to serve before he gets out. She doesn't have another brother "Matty. I don't know!" he shouts again "I'm coming through too" he tries telling me "oh no you're not" i warn him. If she's with Jamie, and it is actually him. Lou's coming nowhere near here. I'll do this on my own. He's about to say something, to argue back "he's dangerous Lou" i tell him "you don't think i know that. I saw the fucking picture of Kay Matty and i-" I cut him off again "look. I've got this. I need you to go back home and try and dig some information up, where she could be. Search for Ken Addison. Ken Addison" i repeat "and see if you can find where he lives. Got it?" he doesn't answer "Louis?!" "I've got it. I've got it" he shuts the call off. I look around again, where I'm parked. I notice a diner to the left of me. Someone's gotta know him. I make a run for it.

I make my way straight to the counter "good evening, sir" an oldish woman approaches me, standing behind the till with a friendly, over the top smile to add to her thick american accent. She wears a grey over sized cardigan that goes with the colour of her hair. With huge jam jar glasses that make her eyes look far too huge for her face "what can i get you?" she grins

I shake my head "do you know a Ken Addison?" i ask rushed. Someone must know him. He's meant to be one of the richest son of a bitches around here.

"Yes" she nods "can i get a chocolate doughnut, they're on offer today" she smiles again

"No thanks. You said yes. Can you tell me his address please?"

"If you buy a doughnut" she winks playfully. Eugh. Is she flirting or something? I don't have fucking time for games right now, damnit. Just tell me!

"Then you'll tell me?" i say agitated, through gritted teeth. She nods, smuggly "Fine!" i snap "make it quick!" I rush her. She giggles before walking off.

//For Crying Out Loud...//  Matty Healy story!! (Completed) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now