//Chapter 26//

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Matty frowns down at the back of Lou's head. While I'm still in creases at Lou.

Lou's still to look up as he hides his face. I can imagine him being bright red behind his hands though. Which makes it even funnier.

"er, hello?" Matty replies confused. I think. He doesn't look happy anyway. He has a guy dressed as a girl, hitting on him, why would he be.

Lou looks up, giving me a look. A wide eyed look. But i don't know what kind of look it is. Maybe annoyed. At the fact I'm laughing. Or maybe realisation as hit him on who he's just tried hitting on. He obviously know's who it is. He's a fan of them.

I contemplate on making this even funnier and more awkward for Lou, because his reactions are just too funny. It would be hilarious to introduce him to Matty now, after that. But as i move my eyes from Lou, looking up. My eyes are met with his. And then I'm reminded of that hate I'm holding on him. And how he's made me feel.

The smile from seconds ago is wiped clean off my face as i stare up at him. Throwing Matty the most dirtiest look possible.

He frowns over at me when he see's the look.

Opening his mouth to say something "Don't!" i snap. "Just. Don't" i tell him. Standing up. I don't wanna hear it.

Why is he even still stood there?

"Go!" i shout to him. I don't even wanna look at him now. An i was here first. What is he even doing back.

Lou looks uncomfortable. More than uncomfortable. He looks in pain as he tries his hardest to hide his face. I'm finding every bit of strength in me not to laugh here again, at him.

"No" he answers back. His voice low and his tone calm. He gives me a smile. A real smug smile. Arsehole! But then looks back down towards Lou. His eyebrows drop as he watches the back of his head.

"Come on L-"

"Okay!" he cuts in fast before i can finish. Knowing what i was going to say. He stands up, keeping his back to Matty as he heads for the door. He's still doing that high pitched, girly voice. He's clearly embarrassed here. Just because Matty's "famous" and he's a fan.

"Why. Kay?" he shouts as I'm just about to walk out after Lou.

I stop. Giving Lou a nod for him to go on and leave if he wants to.

Turning back to him. Why what? Why is there any point in this. This conversation. In anything.

"I'm tired of all this" i sigh. Hoping he gets what I'm meanng. That I'm tired of fighting. That we should just cut all ties, once and for all and go our seperat ways. Like we did. It's for the best. I see and know that now.

"Then why play games?" he raises his voice slightly. Tightening the bobble in his hair. I used to love his hair up look that.

Games. Me? How?

"Games?" I wanna hear this now. Folding my arms and staring over at him. What have i done wrong now. What else is there for me to do that's bad.

"Fucking around with everyone" he looks around at the rest of the customers when he realises his use of words. Giving the 2 or 3 people looking an apologetic look

I sigh. Turning quickly and leaving out of the door. I'm done. I don't even wanna hear this now.

He's fast on his feet and follows me out, running behind me.

"Why you do that?" he shouts "run?"

I look around to see if i can see Lou anywhere. I think he's gone. I actually didn't expect him to go.

//For Crying Out Loud...//  Matty Healy story!! (Completed) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now