// Not a chapter... Idea's?... //

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So, as you aaaaaaall probably know now. I did have a book with all the chapters already wrote out for this story. From begenning to end... took me yonks to do! But, i lost that book... still baffled to flip where it could be... :/

But anyway. My memory is absolute shite. An i can't remember for the life of me, how i had it planned at the end. Like i have a rough idea. but... not 100%

So.... i know i have a few true readers... who have been interested in this story since the begin... the ones who comment and vote a lot. The true Kay&Matt Fans ... LoveLoveLooove!! <333

So, here's the biggie..... I'm gonna leave this one down to you guys!.....

I'm gonna let you beautiful bunch decide on how this ends (there's a bit to go yet. Dw.)  :)

But i want "yay" or "nay" for Kay and Matty to be together at the end. So comment your thoughts .. yes or no and why... AN i'll see how i can work with it an what i can do! :))))

Thought it would be awesome to see what idea's any of you had....


Some of you may just want to keep quiet and see how it goes... fine :) But if you have an idea, either message me or comment. Be FAB to see what idea's you have! An even just to see how you all individually see the story going.

Much Love... Emilee xXx

//For Crying Out Loud...//  Matty Healy story!! (Completed) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now