//Chapter 65//

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George'as P.O.V---

"Woo!" I cheer out with another - over the top - round of applause for my own amusement. This shit is beyond boring, but i cant denie its good to see Ad so fucking happy here. Who'd of thought he'd be the first out of us to fall in love... properly. Well, apart from that shit Matty and Kay have going on. Because thats exactly what its like. One minute its on, then its off.

Thats a thing... i need to see how Kay is from earlier. Make sure shes okay. She cant fool me with this "im fine" bullshit. Shes forgetting ive gotten to know her quite well recently... nothing gets past me. She needs to realise, all this, with them, its just a little hurdle. Yeah, Mattys pissed off right now. But when isnt he? When is everything ever straight forward with them?.. its not. An thats just them. They've gotten through bigger and much worse things than this. All this right now is pointless. We all know they'll sort it, like always. Everyone who knows them, knows how much they love each other. I could probably write a book on their lives with all the drama with them. But thats them. Its how they've always been an always will be. So they may aswell patch things up now. George to the rescue.

I scan around looking for Matty first... cant see him anywhere. Actually, come to think of it, ive not seen him for a good hour now. Hes in serious shit if hes fucked off an left. Okay, Kay then. Im sorting this, an im sorting it now. I set off wqlking towards her, but then realise shes busy with something. Writing, i think. I watch her for a moment as she looks deep in concentration. I quickly look away just in time as i feel her eyes on me. Then back down at the paper in her hand. I joke around in my mind that shes probably writing the maid of honour speech, already. But something down in the pit of my stomach is telling me somethings not right here. I look over again, seeing her place the paper down on the small side table. Reading it again before she scans the room quickly. Again im quick enough not to be caught. But i feel her eyes on me again. This time burning into me for the longest minute ever. They're definately something off with her here. Just from her odd behaviour. Acting sneeky-like. I look one last time, on a chance of being caught. Seeing her, quietly sneeking through the door. I know exactly what shes doing. What she always does... running.

I stride quickly across the room. Quickly scanning over her note. Certain words sticking out like a sore thumb. I knew it....

The rooms still silent as Evelyn still waffles on, boring every damn bleeder to death. So i copy Kay, sneeking out but quicker.

Shes almost out of the garden already... boy shes quick "Oi!" I shout, stopping her in her tracks "what, no goodbye?" I tease sulkily. Not thatnive nothing to sulk over. Shes not leaving. An she'll soon realise when i explain how stupid and out of hand all this has goten now with the two of them. They're adults, not kids anymore.

She smiles softly, but her heads down as she stares at the ground "come here then" she reaches her arms out, gesturing for a hug

"No,no. You come here" i chuckle, nodding my head back to tell her to come to me with a grin as i stand with both hands in my jean pocket showing her im playing the stubborn card

She rolls her eyes but soon crashes into me with quite some force for a skinny chick "where you going anyway?" I ask as she squeezes into me. Literally like its a goodbye "Kay?" I pull away from her slightly to look at her when i hear her sniffling on my shoulder "heeey" i wipe a tear away from her cheek "we'll have non of that" she finally looks up at me slowly. Nothing but pain in her face as she stares at me like shes a lost an scared child. I bite my bottom, really not wanting to ask, but i have to. Even though i already know the answer "you're actually leaving" i sigh heavily "arent you?" I pull her back into me. Allowing her to break down on me. Needing her to talk so giving her as much time as she needs as she soaks my tshirt.

//For Crying Out Loud...//  Matty Healy story!! (Completed) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now