//Chapter 25//

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I had some fun writing this. So, i hope you enjoy it. Thought we needed a bit of humour in it :) xXx


"Coincidence right. I know it's strange?" he laughs, clearly nervous as he still stands scratching the back of his head. Why? why is he nervous?

"Strange, yeah" i nod, giving him a weird, confused look.

Healy. His last name is Healy? Surely, can't be.. surely no relation to him. He would of said. Otherwise, wouldn't he. He'd say it now. Wouldn't he?

I make my way over to my bed. I wanna ask him. Just to make sure. But how. He'd tell me. I know he would. Healy must just be a popular name. There's more Addisons about, who are no relation to me. I'm thinking far too into this.

I look up at him, as he stays stood looking over at me. Watching me. I give him a small smile but unsure what to say now. I feel as though he's being off with me all of a sudden

"So what you wanna do today?" he asks me, putting his tea down and walking over to his phone on the computer desk. Picking it up and reading a text

"I dunno. Shopping?" i smile

"Is this a sly gay remark Addison?" he laughs "not all gays love to shop" he holds his arm up, tensing it to show me his bicep. I can't help but laugh at him.

"You could do with an outfit for your next audiion though" he throws in a small insult as he flicks through some of my clothes hung up in my wardrobe

"Dont diss my clothes Spence" i laugh

"Spence?" he looks back over his shoulder, frowning at me

"Louie spence?" i can't help the laughter now "you know it makes sense"

"Oh my god. This is sooo cute" he plays about, making his voice go high pitched, trying to do his best 'Louie Spence' voice as he pulls out my prom dress. The prom dress my mum spent a fourtune on in hope i'd go to the prom. But i never got to wear. It doesn't take a genuis to work out dresses are a no go for me. Not to mention prom.

He starts to strip, with his back to me. Pulling off his t-shirt "what you doing?" i ask him, still laughing.


I never actually noticed just how toned he is.

"Don't look! I'm trying it on" he peers over his shoulder to make sure im not looking

"So you don't do shopping. You just do, wearing womens clothing huh?" i tease

"You're looking" he scolds me "i can feel your gaze on me"

"I'm noooot" i throw myself back on my bed. Throwing my arm over my face trying to stop my laughter.

"Ta-daaa!" he walses back and fourth in front of the bed. Hands on hips as he seems to think he's on some cat walk

"You're such an arse!" i laugh

"Don't hate cause it suits me better" he winks at me. His mouth wide open as he does it

"I bet you daren't go out in that" i joke "i dare you ten pounds" i hold my hand out to shake his hand, to seal the deal

"Keep your money" he holds his hand up in the most camp way, clearly taking this Louie Spence roll to the fullest

"I knew it. You're too scar-"

"Hang on. Hang on" he cuts in "I'll make you a deal. I'll wear this out. As long as you get your backside to that auditon next week" He points at me then holds his hand out to shake on it

//For Crying Out Loud...//  Matty Healy story!! (Completed) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now