//Chapter 6//

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"You're late. Again!" my boss snaps at me as soon as my feet step through the door. All of the customers stop what they're doing and turn in this direction. The cafe comes to an abrupt silence. Wow, well done Bill. Very professional, I snap in my head.
I know he doesn't like me. I've only been late a hand full of times. But hey, the feeling's mutual, dude. Moody, selfish old man he is. Never happy! I'm sure he should be retired by now anyway, he's definitely in his late 60's. And the size of that grey beard hanging off his chin... Ugh! I know I wouldn't eat from here. For sure. Health and safety reasons.

"Sorry. The damn bus was late again" I say as I step behind the counter taking my jacket off and placing my heavy bag under the till before grabbing my pinny. Really, I called back home to change. And because I needed just five minutes in the flat. The similarity with book boy and Matty, it freaked me out.
Bill just glares at me, giving me that usual I-don't-give-a-fuck look and throws a wet cloth at me suddenly "Tables to clean, Kaya!" and walks off. "It's Kay" I call after him and sigh. But obviously he fails to hear me, even if he did he wouldn't take any notice. I'm starting to think I'm just not a likeable person, at all. This was far easier for me to deal with when I didn't give a stuff about anything or anyone. But now I'm wanting to change my ways, it just seems impossible. As though people are purposely stepping in my way to stop me achieving that.

I start to wipe over some of the empty tables, picking up empty plates and cups customers have used. I look down an notice as I've bent down, gravy from one of the plates has smeared all over the bottom of my apron. I throw the plates down in annoyance, making a loud clanging noise, but not quite hard enough for them to smash... Thankfully! I can't be doing with losing any of my wage. "Kaya!" Bill shouts, poking his head round the wall from the kitchen.
"Soz. Soz" I say, holding my hands up innocently. And God. Kay. It's Kay! Why is it so hard for people to get right? Its three letters.
Evelyn eventually decides to join me for her shift, not yet realising she'd gotten through the door, she attempts to give me a heart attack as she quickly jabbs her fingers into my sides from behind, shouting "What ya doing?!" quickly and forcefully. Causing me to scream out in shock.
"Jesus, Eve!" I scold. Almost smashing the plates for a second time. "I've just nearly broke these once already"
But She just walks off laughing, taking off her coat and putting it behind with mine.
She puts on her, suddenly taking note of the state of mine and smirks at me. "You're late, Evelyn" Bill steps out from the kitchen to scold her too. My god he is a grumpy shit today.
"Sorry, Bill. The bus was late. It won't happen again" she says, mustering him a sweet, reassuring smile. That sweet and innocent smile that I can't ever seem to pull off. Bill returns the smile back to her. And quickly shoots me a scowl. Yes, ok, I get it... You like her. You hate me.
To be fair, she is one of those people you just seem to click with an get on with. And that's saying something coming from me.
My first day, she was here, helping out. It wasn't even her shift but she came in to help me knowing I was new and inexperienced. She's alright. She's so care free. How I was before... Minus the drugs and booze. She's the closest thing I've gotten to a friend these days. I don't see any of the boys from that drug den. I decided I needed to cut all ties, a clean slate, if I was going to change around the mess my life is.

"So where were you madam? You weren't on the bus today" Eve basically shouts across the room after she's taken out someone's order. I shoot her wide eyes, with Bill stood practically right behind me, I can almost hear his ragged breathing up close.
Her face mirrors mine, but immediately apologetic and grimaces at me when she spots him.
Before I even have chance to get my brain in to over drive to think of a realistic excuse, Bill taps me on the shoulder.
"A word, please" he says very sternly and walks out of the fire exit in the kitchen, expecting me to follow on. Eve mouths sorry to me before I follow him out hesitantly.
"I'm getting rather tired of your excuses and lack of commitment to this job, missy" missy? I frown across at his choice of wording. "Its not on-" I go to cut him off but he soon silences me, holding a hand in front of my face. Woaah... Alright, mate! "I suggest if you don't want to lose your job, you go back inside, keep your head down and I don't want to hear another peep from you. No arguments. No excuses. No lateness. Consider this a final warning" final warning? What! You never even gave me a first! "Oh. And the cafés open till 6 tonight. You're locking up" he walks back off to go inside, but stops, turning one last time "Understand?"
"Yes" Iwhisper.
"Understand?!" he shouts this time. Acting the dick again.
God sake!
"Yes!" I say louder. Hating the power he has over me.
Oh, you're definitely in my bad books for this Evelyn Gray!

//For Crying Out Loud...//  Matty Healy story!! (Completed) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now