//Chapter 29//

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I get to the top of the stairs in the building of my flat, stopping to try and catch my breath from running most of the way back. I wasn't sure if Matty would come after me, probably not. But i wasn't going to risk it.

I have nothing more to say to him now. This is it now. The final straw for him after this shit.

"show me" i spot Lou sat outside my door, waiting for me. He stands to his feet when he see's me

"Just. Calm down Kay. It's just words" he tries calming me down. Holding his hands up in front of him

I open the door quickly, throwing my bag and keys down on the floor and making my way to the computer. Switching it on. Ignoring Lou's words.

I stand behind the chair in front of the screen "show me" i point to it before pacing back and forth. I'm beyond fucked off now. With all this shit. Im livid!

"Kay. Just-"

"Now!" i lose my patience. I know he means well. And he's just trying to "protect" me. But i don't need protecting. I have to see for myself what's been put online about me. And by who. And why...

This isn't fair! What the fuck have i done wrong. What have i done so bad to deserve this.

"Please?" i half whisper when he just looks at me

He looks away from me, looking to the floor. Sighing loudly. But then makes his way to the computer and starts typing in something on the keyboard.

After a few minutes, he's on some website. I've no idea what it is. To be honest, fuck know's why i even have a computer. Cause i hardly use it. I don't even know how to. Apart from youtube and stuff. Stuff for music.

"What's that?" i ask him, biting my nail on my thumb. I spot my name with some funny @ next to it

"It's twitter" he looks back over his shoulder to look at me

"Twitter? What's twitter?" i have no fucking idea

"You don't have twitter?" he looks at me confused

"What is it?" i ask him again. I have no clue.

He clicks the mouse a few times. And scrolls through the page.  Varias conversations, i think. Fly up the page as Lou looks like he's looking for something

"Right, look here" he points. I lean in closer to get a better look to read what it says

*@Kay_Addison_ I tried killing myslef today*

I stare at it, confused. Reading it over and over again. I never put that. What the fuck is that?!

*@Kay_Addison_ I did it because i want him back. To get him away from that fat evil cow*

"I- I.. I never put that Lou. I don't-" i sigh, felling my anger building again "Who is that?"

Lou just shakes his head, and continues scrolling through this page of "me"

"Then there's this one" he points again

*I miss you. I know you miss me too @Truman_Black*

"Who's that though?" This is fucking bat shit crazy!

"That's Matt!" he tells me, lookig confused himself.

"What the fuck?!" I throw my face into my hands, turning away from the screen. This is mind fucking me!

"There's more..." he gives me a sympathetic look

"Do i even wanna know?" i plonk myself down on the bed keeping my hands over my face.

//For Crying Out Loud...//  Matty Healy story!! (Completed) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now