//Chapter 63//

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I make my way out of the bathroom. Feeling a little better from the shower. Catching my refelction in the mirror, seeing Eve's clothes hanging off of me like a sheet. I see what Denise was meaning now. I sigh heavily before tying my hair up on the top of my head in a messy bun. Trying to banish all thoughts of him and his family out of my head. If I'm doing this i need to erase everything. Remove everyone and get rid of anything from the past.

"Drink?" i hear Adam before i realise he's in the room now. I scan around quickly, looking for Eve. But she's not back yet. This could be awkward...

I take a seat on the sofa, feeling a little uncomfortable with only him as company for now. But it'll do. It's not like i don't know him now. He's just a friend of... his.

"Thanks" i nod with a smile as i take a seat.

He passes me a big mug, i go take a drink "vodka?" i ask with a chuckle "thought it was a cuppa" i smile across at him as he takes a seat on the sofa at the other end, laughing at my reaction.

"You look as if you need it" he laughs, taking a sip of his. Thanks? i laugh again at his small insult.

"so you and-"

"So Matty's-" we both go in for a sentence at the same time before both looking up and laughing.

"Sorry. Go on" i apologise first

"No. You go" he tells me with a nod

"I was just saying, you got a nice place here. You and Eve" i look around the living room. It has the whole 'homely' feel to it. Something i never had as a kid. Home never felt like home to me. And the flat - although it was empty with the lack of furniture - that only ever felt homely when Matty was there. And then it felt more like home when it was just an empty building. A place I'd run to to escape everything in life.

"All Evelyn's work" he nods as he takes a look around himself. The look of pride for her across his face.

They're literally so in love. An I'm literally so in envy of her right now. - Love.. It's something so simple, yet i can't even get that right!

"I bet" i laugh. I know she likes things a certain way. Which is always 'her' way.

"So you living together now?" i push for a bit more conversation as it drops silent. Just so it stops me thinking and cause i know he mentioned his name before. An i can't be having any small talk to do with him. Not now. Not anymore from this point.

"Yeah. We thought we might aswell" he shrugs like it's no big deal. But it definately is. It's a big deal becase Eve's happy. Finally happy. An it's thanks to him. I don't even think he realises just how happy he actually makes her.

It's kind of refreshing to see not all relationships are a massive fuck up. Not all relationships break you and have more bad and pain than good. They don't all destroy you, break you bit by bit till you can't stand the person you are anymore. When you feel like you can't cope being with them anymore, but you know you can't survive without them either. When you know you're broken yourself, an you know you're breaking them too, but you have to be with them. For you. For your sake. Because love makes you selfish. But Some clearly work. Some are exactly how you imagine love to be. Happiness. Laughter. Smiles. Trust. Goosebumps. Memories... The list is endless. It's a list i don't an never will have again. Because i refuse to ever put myself in this position again. I'm too broken and destroyed to ever go through this again.

"She really loves you" i stare down at the cup in my hand as i speak those words. A little jealousy escaping with them too without warning.

"bit like Matty with you then" he cocks his head to one side, watching me as he speaks. Watching for any give aways from my experession. I know both him and Eve are eager to know what's happening between the two of us. But I'm just as much in the dark to be honest. All i know is.. it's done.

//For Crying Out Loud...//  Matty Healy story!! (Completed) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now