//Chapter 14//

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Its 2.30am here now. But ive had quite a few new readers start on this story today. so for the new readers, and the ones who have been reading this from the start. You're all amazing, annnnd... Here you goooo - chapter 14 :) .... Also, next update will be a super duper long one!


The distance from the bridge to the water causes me to crash into the water with force. My whole body spiraling and twisting before my body flies into the water, out of control. The pain hits me like a million knives all stabbing into my body, all over, at once. Every inch of my body feels as though its been slapped, kicked and punched repeatedly. Beyond cold that i think my hearts stopped beating before the first seconds even passed. The force has dragged me down so far under the water, i actually don't think there's any chance of coming back up to the surface.

I can't hold my breath any longer!

I surface after what feels like minutes. Gasping for air. Coughing, beyond panicked! Petrified! I kick my legs with all the energy i have to try and take a bit of control. Trying to swim for my life. It's pointless! There's no use. The force of the water flow is dragging me and ragging me all over. Pulling me further and further down the river. My lifeless, helpless body banging, crashing into the rocks, knocking every last bit of air out of my lungs. Becoming weaker by the second. What have i done? The water forces me down under the water, again and again. Swallowing ridiculous amounts of the filthy water. Fighting for air. Fighting to keep myself above the water. Fighting for my own life. What have i done? Why?! For the love of god, please! Someone help me!

Tree's at the side of the river bank come into view. I'm running out of energy. Out of options. I can't think straight! Whole body now numb from the below freezing temperature of the water. Shock? Fear? The wind is crazy, whistling and blowing violently against me.

A huge gush of wind hits me, forcing me to the side of the river, i use every last bit of energy in me to grab the branch that's hanging over the water. If i can just grab it an hold on. Maybe someone will find me. Chances are, I'm just gonna be holding on till my body gives in. No one is ever gonna find me. I have no one who cares enough to find me and save me.

Please! I don't wanna go yet! Not now.. Not like this. I don't want this! I don't want to die! I've never been as scared in my whole life. I am scared of death. I am.

I got it. I'm holding on. But for how long?! My head is only just above water level. I'd waste my last bit of energy to try an call out for help. But it's pointless. There's no one around. And i need to focus the tiny bit i have left - on holding on as long as i can! I don't have long left. My body's quickly giving in and shutting down.

Matty's P.O.V

"Kay?" what is she doing?! Get down! Surely she wouldn't think of actually doing what I'm fearing right now! Fuck!! What have i done? She doesn't need to do this. FUCK!!! How can she actually believe i meant any of that what i said. Is that why she's here. Sat, there? I had to say it. I had to! I had to try and convince her as well as me - that I'm no good for her. It was the only way! "KAY!" her head whips round as she hears me call her name. But it's too late! Her body's already left the bridge! "NOOO!" i dive forward to grab her, any part of her. She's gone! I feel like I've just been shot in the chest and the head, at the same time. Struck down. I can't move. My whole body in shock! This isn't happening right now. ITS NOT!!! The sound of the water, crashing and smashing violently, panics me and realisation hits me on what i have to do. She can't do this! She doesn't get to do this, and just go and leave.

I set off running down the bank, the hill is so steep i stumble and fall over and over again, but i scramble to my feet as fast as possible. The rain has turned the mud to sludge and I'm just constantly sliding. I drop, figuring I'll be faster rolling down. Not caring what i hit or roll in. It's stupidly dark, i can barely see a thing. Only a few street lights and lights from the bridge give off a bit of light.

//For Crying Out Loud...//  Matty Healy story!! (Completed) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now