//Chapter 23//

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This is rushed. And it will have a few mistakes as ive had to type it on my phone. I'll re-do it later though :)

Matty's P.O.V -------

"Still not answering you?" George asks as we get onto the coach. It is rather late. Our gig went on a little later than expected. But then again, he hasn't been answering any of my calls or texts for the last few weeks. Since I last saw him at mums. He's taking all this too far now.

I shake my head. don't wanna get into it.

"What is about Kay?" I ask him as he passes me a beer and sits next to me on the sofa. We've still not had "that" chat, about her. I've been putting it off as much as I could. Every time I just think about her, it makes my blood boil. Anger just takes over. But now I wanna know. I need to know. I need to know why. Him, now Lou. Why is it they can't just stay away from her.

"What you mean?" he asks, cocking his head to one side as he pulls his phone out, distracted. Probably texting her right now.

"I just mean.." I pause. What do I mean? I mean, why? Why did you have to go and mess around with her. My ex. Why did you fuck my ex. Is what I mean "I mean, did you really, actually-"

I pull my phone out of my pocket as it vibrates, loudly. To George's annoyance. He stands up out of his seat "you gonna answer that?" George shouts as he heads off to he front of the coach to Ad and Ross.


"What's with the grin on your face?" Ross jabs his hand into my side as he sits next to me on the sofa.

Gems scan. It's booked for next week" i can't help the smile on my face. It's finally sinking in now. The whole pregnancy. Baby - thing.

"another. Already? Everything okay?" he asks, not that he seems bothered. Or interested.

He must be the only one kind of okay with the whole thing. Ad just seems to switch off focus when i mention the pregnancy. And George, well. He seems to leave every time Gemma's name is even mentioned.

But it's a bit tough. It's something he's gonna have to get used to. They all do.

And i honestly can't wait now. This is gonna be the making of me. Of us. I know it.

Ross stares at me as i fail to answer him.

"oh er, nah. She was ill, the other week. Morning sickness and all that" i pull a disgusted, sicky look at him, joking around. He just nods and gets up. Moving back to the lads.

Maybe he's not okay with it then, either.

I try Lou's phone again.

This is getting ridiculous now. I sigh as his voicemail sounds through my ear, down the phone.

"Lou. It's me" i sigh again. Looking around to make sure the lads aren't in ear shot "just, give us a call back will you. You can't keep this up forever" a nervous laugh leaves my mouth. But then again, this is Lou here. Stubborn is his middle name "hope you're good? I er, I'm back in Manchester next week at some point. Some singing talent show appearance. Should be interesting" sarcasm all over my words. I laugh down the phone, at myself. Feeling stupid. I'm trying to make conversation with myself here. I am. "hope college is going good. Shit yeah, i doubt you wanna talk about college. Mum mentioned about you skipping these past few weeks" i look around the coach again, making sure I'm alone. "just do your bro a favour will you. I know what's best for you. And Kay, Kay isn't. She's bad for you. You have to hear me out man. Please!" i realise straight away, that i shouldn't of brought her up here. I'm trying to get him to talk, not push him away even more. If i can just have a proper chat with him. Face to face. I know i can get him to realise she's bad news "I'll be waiting for your call so... In your own time"

//For Crying Out Loud...//  Matty Healy story!! (Completed) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now