//Chapter 53//

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Its quiet. Peaceful. As i sit on a chair at the side of the bed watching Kay sleep. Each hour passing by slowly. Each hour Kay waking up in a panicked state. Calming and soothing her each time to help her get back off to sleep. She seems to relax each time when she see's me sat there. Next to her. So this is where I'm staying.

I recieve a text from Hann, saying they're coming over tomorrow to work on a few songs. I arrange where to meet them, letting them know i can only make it for an hour or so, and that's it. I can't risk leaving her for too long. Not while she's like this. She should be fine. Hopefully she'll still be sleeping. She looks so tired and worn down. As though she's not slept in weeks. Years. An i know it's down to me. It's my fault.

She'll never be alone again. I'm gonna be here. I'll be whatever she needs me to be for aslong as she needs.

Time drags... The night sky seems never ending. I feel tired myself but i keep myself awake. Just incase she needs me.

I find an empty carrier bag. I make my way to the bathroom throwing her mucky clothes into it and get rid. When she wakes, it's a clean, fresh start. No reminders of the past, what's happened and what she's been through.

2pm. Kay's still fast on. I quickly write her a note telling her I've gone to meet the lads, an I'll be no longer than an hour. Writing my number down too, incase she needs it. I don't want to wake her. She obviously needed this long sleep. An hopefully she'll be feeling better and a lot like herself when she wakes.


"Alright mate" i greet hann and Ross when i walk through the studio "No George? Again?" i ask annoyed as i take a quick scan around the room. This is getting ridculous. He can't keep this up forever

"He'll be here soon. Flight was delayed" Hann answers as he messes about with his phone. Good. It's time we had a chat and sorted things.

"No Eve?" i joke. They're always together alately. For once I'm actually hoping she is with him. It would do Kay the world of good. To have a friend. He shakes his head at me with a smile. Nevermind.

"I can only stay for an hour" i tell them as we take a seat to start

"So how comes you were already here?" Ross comes over, taking as a seat next to me.

"Long story. I'll tell you later" I tell him. It's really not my place to mention anything about Kay and how she is right now. Not till i know everything myself. Plus if i tell Ross. Hann will find out, then it gets passed to Eve. And my chance at helping Kay will be blown up. She'll come storming in and make me stay away. We don't exactly see eye to eye do we?

I need to just do this on my own. I know i can help her. I don't need anyone butting in right now.

An hour later. I know I'm running late and said i wouldn't be long. But this is taking a little longer than expected, an it needs to be finished. I pray Kay's still asleep and non the wiser that I'm gone. That or she knows. An she's fine with it.

But five minutes later, i get a text....

**Where r u?***

I reply back straight away

***Just doing some recording. Promise i won't be long now*** i tell her. Throwing my phone back in my pocket. But not even ten seconds passes when she replies back

***I need u***

This mind fucks me. In what way? I stare down at the text. Not knowing what to reply back to that.

"Lets take a cig break" George shouts to us all. I turn, nodding in agreement.

"Be good to have that chat now?" i ask George. Putting my phone down on the side as i make my way out with the lads.

//For Crying Out Loud...//  Matty Healy story!! (Completed) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now