//Chapter 61//

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The taxi pulls away. Lou eager to get inside from the rain rushes past us both into the house. Matty carries in Lou's bag. I stand still, waiting till he's walked past. I just wanna go. I know where my old flat is from here. I stand having a debate with myself what to do. Stay and rake up the hurtful past with him. Allowing him to get angry. Or leave. And get out of all this now. Try an avoid him for a while... If i was to go now. He'd be non the wiser as he walks inside. Leaving me stood there in the street. In the pouring rain.

I turn behind me. Quickly deciding i can't do this. I can't have this conversation. I can't drag up the past. What i did and why. It's too raw!

I go to walk off. While i think i still have the chance. But I'm not quite quick enough... "Kayleigh?" Denise calls me, i turn, seeing her stood at the door way, waiting for me "You're gonna catch a cold stood out there sweetheart" I stand still. Unsure what to do. She urges me to come inside. Soaked now to a point the rain is dripping from my clothes. My face. I don't know what to do. What to feel. Think. This isn't helping my state from before. I need to get better, get myself better. This isn't helping "Darling, you okay?" She steps out into the rain to get me. She propels me towards the door, gently with a friendly smile as i look lost, confused. Allowing her to move my body without realising.

"Towels" she quickly tells Louis as he makes his way down the stairs "and get her something from your wardrobe to wear" He runs back up the stairs, doing as he's told

"We own a shower" he  makes a joke of how i look and the fact I'm soaked - soon as he passes me the clothes

"Yeah!" i breathe, acting along with a small smile

"Lets have a look at you" Denise shows me to the sofa, telling me to make myself comfy, at home. She takes a seat next to me on the sofa. Staring at me for a while. Anyone else, I'd be freaked out. But she did used to be like my second mum. And after all this time, it still feels like that with her. I turn, facing her, putting on a smile for her. Trying to show I'm fine

"You've lost weight" she scolds me playfully. Making me giggle a little

"Always been like a stick" i shrug with a smile. Talking to her seems to be helping. Taking my mind off of things for a bit.

She nods with a smile, "something your mum used to always say!" she laughs before telling Lou to put the kettle on - Same old Denise. A cuppa makes everything better in her books. Just like my mum.

"I can do that" i offer quickly, standing to my feet. Wanting to be polite mainly, but aswell to get away from any conversation of my mum.

"Don't be silly" she pulls me back down. Quickly noticing the blooded bandage around my wrist. I pull my hand back quickly, not wanting to go into any of it if she was to ask. I know what she's like. I know the twenty question game will be any second. I know what she's like. Just how my mum used to be. Eager to know everything "I can change that" she smiles up at me

"Erm..." I'm about to thank her, but tell her no thanks when she cuts in

"Please" she smiles.Making me smile back too. She really hasn't changed one bit. Only happy when she's helping others out

"Sure. Thank you" i tell her as she already heads off into the kitchen for the first aid box... It still lives in the same place then. In the cupboard.

"You really have lost a lot of weight" she tells me as she places my hot drink on the small table in front

"Have i?" i don't know what to say back....

"Mum!" Matty complains at his mum in a way to back off as soon as he walks into the room. Oh, so he does care then.

Hi, remember me? You seem to of forgotten I'm even here now!

//For Crying Out Loud...//  Matty Healy story!! (Completed) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now