//Chapter 11//

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"what we having?" Gemma asks at the bar. I've no idea where Eve is now, or who she's with. She's not replied to my text. But knowing Eve i can bet she's kissed at least 3 guys at this point.

"Er, I'll have a slippery nipple" i tell her, trying to look around and see if Eve is in eye view.

"A what?" she laughs, bewildered.

"It's a cocktail" i tell her. I don't really find it amusing to be honest, what's funny about the word nipple? Really?!

"Oh, i think I'll have one of those too!" she shouts as I'm still occupied trying to find Eve.

"2 slippery.. Thingys" She tells the bar tender with a giggle when he finally notices us, 10 minutes after being stood there waiting to be served.

He looks at her confused "you want 2 of what, love?" He asks, leaning closer to us to hear her better.

"Slippery nipples" I cut in as i sense this chick is a tad on the immature side as she begins to laugh again as soon as i finish our order.

The guy behind the bar brings us over our cocktails. We both reach into our bags for the money to pay at the same time. We look down at each others hands, realising what the others doing and laugh.

"Let me. Please" she insists. I nod, thanking her. I'm not one to turn down a free alcoholic drink. We pick up our drinks and our bags heading off to sit at a table in the corner.

"So, if you just give me your details. I can forward them on to Paul, see what he thinks and, I reckon you'll be good to go" she tells me, smiling. Showing off her bright white teeth.

A full 15 minutes later, of going over and over about the same damn thing. She's actually silent long enough for me to throw a few words her way, "Now, although that is really amazing-" i squeak the word amazing, just like how she's been talking with far too much excitement and emphasis in her voice the whole time ".. I'm just... I'm not really into the whole, modelling. Fashion kinda stuff, you know" I tell her, finishing off my drink.

Now maybe She'll let me get off and find my friend, otherwise I'm going to be a serious loner for the rest of the night!

"So what stuff are you into? If you're not into the whole modelling thing i mean?" she asks before ive got time today finish the last little bit of cocktail in the glass.

"I dunno. Music" I shrug "Why?" I ask her. Why is she so damn interested in me?

"That's cool-" she nods "Sorry, i don't mean to be nosey. Truth is, you seem like a cool girl" she shrugs and smiles shyly "I'm not from round here, i came down from London today, to spend the weekend with my boyfriend. I just thought it'd be cool to find a girl to hang around with" she takes a sip of her cocktail, that she's hardly touched. "There's only so much guy time a chick can handle, know what i mean?" she giggles.
No, not really. I've only had one boyfriend. Who destroyed me. Who i hate yet still love at this moment in time. Who i never wanna see again, ever. Yet wish i could just have 5 more minutes with.
"Earth to Kay!" she snaps me out of my thoughts, waving her hand in front of my face laughing.

"Uh, sure. Yeah, we can hang out" I shrug, throwing her a small smile "I guess! Why not"

"So you mentioned music?" she asks as we sit back at the same table after it was my round this time to get the cocktails in. We decided on a blue lagoon this time as Gemma didn't reckon much to the 'nipple' as she kept calling it.

"Yeah, I'm actually studying it at college"

"Awesome. So do you play any instruments or anything?" she asks laughing and taking long sips from her drink through the straw. I laugh at her, although i don't know what I'm laughing at now.
Maybe all the alcohol has caught up with me. I am far from tipsy at this point. She must be drunk too. She's constantly laughing at everything! When i pull myself together and stop the laughter i explain to her how i used to have singing lessons when i was younger, when my grandad was still alive.

//For Crying Out Loud...//  Matty Healy story!! (Completed) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now