//Chapter 33//

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Kay's P.O.V----

"but yeah, like i said. I never betrayed you just to get to.. him" she points to Adam who's been sat quiet, listening to her explanation to me for the past twenty minutes. "she threatened me" she looks down at her hands on the table before looking me dead in the eyes. Guilt and hurt written all over her face. I told her ten minutes ago that i got it, i understand where she was coming from. Why she did it now. I know the extent Gemma will go to be in control of something, and someone. She has to feel power over people. Cause she's a crazy fucking bat-shit lunatic!

"well it's done now" i tell her with a smile when she pauses long enough for me to get a word in.

"so, we're okay now?" she asks me nervously. Looking down again.

I laugh "yeah. Sure"

"you sure?" she whispers, staring at me

"hundred percent" i smile.

"i know what i did was-" i put my hand up to stop her but can't help but laugh. She just doesn't shut up.

"Evelyn" i laugh again and Adam joins in laughing at how nervous and slack she is from not getting the point, the hint that I'm okay with her now and what happened "just, shush now. The past is the past now" i nod once at her, hoping she understands i wanna forget about it now.

"well i gotta head back to finish my shift" she rolls her eyes in annoyance causing me to laugh at her "can we do something later?" she asks throwing me a massive grin. Visibly more relaxed that we've had this chat now.

"Depends..." she looks down at her hands, looking wounded, hurt "on what?" i laugh. She needs to really forget about all that shit now and leave it in the past like i am. She can't be on edge with me. I want us to be like before. Like old times.

"Oh" she laughs "Er, we could go for a few drinks?" she asks me but looks at Adam too. I think she's wanting his back up here, his help to get me to agree for some reason.

The thing is i hardly touch any of that shit now. Not even a beer. I'm not that strong enough yet to control myself to only have the one.  

But then again maybe i can. I haven't tried it yet. An I'm in a better place than earlier now. I was better a few days ago when i thought Lou- ... No. That's staying in the past too. I can do this, only have the few drinks and stop myself. I know I'm a stronger person now. The shit i have to keep dealing with and going through is making me be stronger. I have no choice. I just have to be.

"No?" she asks with a nervous giggle

"Oh, sod it. Sure" i tell her

"call it celebratory drinks" she smirks

"But we have to be celebrating to call it that" i laugh

"We are" she frowns at me, in a playful way then sticks her tongue out at me. 

I stare at her, waiting for her to go ahead and explain

"Well, having you back in my life for a start" she reaches over the table, grabbing my hand, giving it a little squeeze with a smile

"Awww" Adam mocks us

"and the fact you're practically a star now" she laughs at how uncomfortable she knows i feel from her comment. I just roll my eyes at her causing her to laugh at me more.

"Don't" i complain. I hate that. It's gonna drive me mad if people keep making sly comments like that. I wish I'd never fucking done that bollocks now. I only fucking did it for him. Well not now. I have no reason to carry it on.

//For Crying Out Loud...//  Matty Healy story!! (Completed) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now