//Chapter 12//

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"fuck sakes! I said left!" i growl at the taxi driver. Aren't taxi drivers supposed to pass some test before they can qualify for this job? I'm sure they've got to prove they know their way around. "No. Right here!" i snap. "today would be good!" i shout, glaring at him. I swear he's driving slow just to piss me off now. Be fucking quicker to walk. But as usual, the beautiful British weather, the sky's opened up and its pouring with rain now.

If it was her. I hope to god she's got home okay. I hope she's okay all together, but it's after midnight now. She can't be out and on her own at this time.

But what if it wasn't her? I'm just turning up on her door. Again! What the hell will i say?! Shit. Even if it was, what do i say. I know what she will say... Something along the lines of leave me alone. Or i don't need your help. I don't actually know what I'm gonna say, or do to be honest. Guess I'll just figure it out when i get there. As long as she's alright.

If i ever bloody get there! "i said step on it"

Kay's P.O.V

I didn't speak a word in the taxi, even with the driver trying small talk with me after i gave him my address. Good night? You okay? You on your own? Clearly obvious answers. You're not blind, you can see the state I'm in. I stared out of the window most of the way, hoping he'd get the hint that i didn't wanna talk. He didn't. An kept waffling on in my ear. When i realised i was near home, the street before mine i got the driver to drop me off. Paying him and getting out of that damn car as fast as i could. Before he could realise i left blood all over the floor of the car.

So now i have a five minute walk to the flat. It's pouring down with rain, fast and hard. I'm freezing! This damn dress is literally stuck to ever inch of me. My hair is soaking, every strand. I look like a drowned rat! Not to mention I'm limping on one foot, so scrap the 5 minutes. More like 15! And I'm bare foot. And its like past midnight.. Not that the dark scares me or the fact it's late. I'm sure with how I'm looking, no one would even think of approaching me.

I get inside, cold, shivering and wet through. I throw the bag on the floor, sitting on my bed. It's an absolute mess in here! Clothes all over the floor. Mess. Bit like how i look and how this nights turned out.

Before i know it, I'm sat crying. Over what, i don't know. Too much too soon? Believing i was strong and past all this, when I'm not? I don't know.

I stand in front of the mirror again, like i did earlier. Only now i see Kay. Now i see the real me, starring back. Not that imposter. Not the beautiful girl who i thought i was earlier. Who i was kidding myself pretending to be.

I quickly get changed, dropping Eve's dress onto the floor and just leaving it. My hair is a mess. My make up has practically washed off from the rain and my tears. Apart from the stained mascara down my cheeks and under my eyes. I don't bother with any of that, I just climb straight into bed.

I lay facing my window, my eyes adjusting to the dark. I reach over to my bed side table, picking up his plectrum.

A loud knocking on the door disturbs me. And now in annoyed. I just wanna be left alone. I knew i should of text Eve telling her i was going home and wanted to be alone. I knew she'd come after me. Wow, even when she's got the chance to spend the night with a celeb!

I place the plectrum back down, an make my way over to the door. "alright, alright. I'm coming!" i shout, impatient little shit she is!

Matty's P.O.V

The driver pulls up out side the flat "here!" i snap, throwing him the money "thanks for nothing" i throw him one last glare before i get out the car.

I waste no time, running up the steps in the building. The less time i have, the less i can think about what to say.

Just do it. Just knock on the door, and see if she's okay.

//For Crying Out Loud...//  Matty Healy story!! (Completed) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now