//Chapter 39//

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That's the last of the vodka" i shout out to Matt who's concentrating on rolling another joint - trying to get the last drops out the bottom of the bottle.

"Already? That mean i have to go to the shop again?" he turns to reply "Gonna think I'm a right alki at this shop" he laughs, turning back to continue rolling

"You are!" i laugh "I'll go this time, i suppose" walking over to him from behind, slapping the back of his hand to get hit attention to give him his drink

"Fiesty!" he sticks his tongue out me, grabbing his glass.

Walking back over to the kitchen to get my drink, i start to feel shaky all of a sudden. Light headed "woah!" i grab onto the counter top as the room begins to spin, an i feel like I'm losing my balance

"Sup?" Matty shoots his head back round, looking over at me.

"Nothing. Just a bit dizzy" i waft his concern away. I'm fine.


"Yes. It's just cause I've not eaten today" i smile. I'm okay "It'll pass"

When it's passed an i feel stable enough to walk, i plonk myself on the sofa next to him, snatching the joint out of his hand. His shocked expression makes me laugh, causing me to spit the lit splif out of my mouth. He jumps up suddenly as it lands on his leg. This makes me laugh even more, laughing so hard i fall off the sofa. Matt's just stood there shaking his head at me. Trying to act like he's not amused. As though he's annoyed. But it's not long before he's laughing too.

I stay sat on the floor, not being arsed to get back up, sitting with my back against the front of the sofa with my legs crossed. Matty slides down so he's sat next to me, mirroring how I'm sat... "another?" he pulls another pill out of his pocket.

Opening my mouth an leaning closer towards him, he pops the pill in my mouth. Sucking his finger before he pulls his hand away, causing him to give me that 'fuck-i-love-it-when-you-do-that' look. Making me giggle.

He passes me another pill. An without thinking, i pop that one into my mouth too. Swallowing it before Matty complains that one was for him "oopps!" i say sarcastically.

He goes to put one in his mouth "let me" i stop him. Picking it up and placing it on his tongue as he sticks it out ready. He bites down gently on my finger, making my insides, all the way down... there. Clench inside me. Driving me mad. Giving me that tingly, hot and flushed feeling. Leaving me wanting.

We stare at each other for a few moments, just grinning stupidly at each other. 5SOS - She looks so perfect, comes on as the radio is on quiet, i stand stumbling, Trying to keep my balance - before making my way over to it to turn it up

"Lets dance" i make my way over to him, holding my hands out to help him up

"Lets not" he frowns. He will dance with me!

"It's my favourite. Come on!" I start to spin around slowly, feeling every beat in the song inside me, pounding in my head. It feels, magical "i can feel the music" i whisper to myself.

"What?" Matty shouts over the loud music

"It's magical" i smile, speaking low. Looking up at the celing as i can see flashing lights above me now.

"What you say?" Matt stands up, coming closer to hear me. I grab his arms, making him move to the music with me.

"Yes. Like that" i tell him grinning, keeping hold of his hand as i spin myself around. He laughs, but it's a breathy laugh. Looking down, watching his feet. Looking a little embarrassed. He's nothing to be embarrassed about. Not around me.

//For Crying Out Loud...//  Matty Healy story!! (Completed) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now