//Chapter 56//

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"How's she doing?" George walks into the hospital room, slowly approaching me. Standing at the side of me next to her bed. He places a hand on my shoulder.

I wipe the tears away quickly "they said she'll be fine" i keep my eyes on her still, sleeping body. The girl that i love yet isn't acting or even looking like her anymore

"well that's good" he tries keeping things, me, positive. He pulls up a chair next to me. He gives me a nod. A nod to try and tell me everythings okay. But it's not. I was supposed to be helping her. Keeping her safe. Making her better. An i couldn't even do that.

"I didn't realise she was that bad" he speaks quietly. Him now sat looking at her. I shake my head. Agreeing. Even i didn't realise she'd gotten this bad. So bad she wanted to end it. Take her own life. That's not the Kay i know.

"this is all my fault" i stand, pushing the chair away from behind me - when i can't bare it anymore.

"Just, calm down mate" George reaches to pull me back down. I walk off, putting some distance between me and the bed. Me and that... stranger, in that bed

"Why?" i glare at him. My breathing getting fast an heavy as anger begins to build up inside me "I'm done with being calm. being calm got us here. Her, there" i point to the bed.

"I know it's hard for you but you-"

"It's fucking impossible. That's what it is!" i cut him off "i need some air" i pull the door open. Leaving the room quickly.

I need to go and find Louis. I know he came here with us. But I've no idea where he is now. I need to make sure he's okay. I know he's not. An i know i probably won't be able to help him either. But i have to at least try.

I get outside. Welcoming the cold air. I pull my fags out of my pocket, lighting one up quickly. Taking long, hard drags on it to release the stress that's building up.

I lean up against the building as i continue to smoke. I close my eyes. Praying an hoping this is just one fucked up dream. That.. that isn't actually Kay in there. Kay doesn't do these things. She doesn't act like this...

I open my eyes, slightly feeling a little better. Thinking a little clearer.... But as always. When you think the positives, you seem to think too soon an you're hit with the bad again.

"I don't think so" i block his way. Trying to stop him going inside the hospital

"Move. Matthew!" he glares down at me. Grinding his teeth together.

"No. No fucking way. You're not taking her away. You're not putting her in a-"

"I'll do what the hell i like. She's my daughter. I know what's best"

I laugh, without even realising what he said was funny. It's not funny really. It's a fucking joke. Before I'm aware of what I'm doing, I'm in Georges arms being ragged away from Ken

"No, Matt. Don't make this worse. Don't give him what he wants" i glance down at my hand, in a tight fist. He should of fucking let me hit the twat. It's the least he deserves

He gives me a smug look before walking into the hospital

"Get off me!" i shrug George off. Quickly following behind him. He's not getting a second with her. I know his game. I know he's gonna twist things. Put all this on me. Make out I'm the bad one here. That this is because of me and try and make her believe she needs to be put away. Like he tried with her mum.

No chance!

We both get to her room. Both stopping outside it as we look through the glass window. Seeing Lou's in there with her. Seeing Kays awake now. Sat up. Talking.

//For Crying Out Loud...//  Matty Healy story!! (Completed) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now