//Chapter 35//

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Almost 2am, but i couldn't sleep so... Chapter 35 :) ... Spelling mistakes, as usual. Bare with please. Enjooooooy! Emilee xXx  ----------------

Before my brain has chance to register what I'm doing. To tell me what I'm doing is madness - complete crazy, Matty pulls away, fast. Sucking in a mouthful of air and turns his head away from me, looking behind him. Looking, uncomfortable?

A feeling of rejectment hits me instantly, like a blow to the gut. I feel my face heat as embarrassment slaps me across the cheeks. I mirror Matty, turning to the side, away from him.

"Kay... I-"

"I know" i cut him off. Save me the embarrassement. Please!

I know what he's going to say. An i know i shouldn't of done it. I have no idea why i did. The alcohol from earlier? Because i was upset? Big mistake. A mistake that won't happen again. Ever!

He scratches the side of his head, looking at me again. I feel his eyes on me but i keep facing away from him. My body facing the opposite way "Gemma. Y-you know" he shrugs.

I laugh, not sure why. But a smug laugh leaves my mouth "yeah" i answer simply.

I stand up, aiming to just walk straight away, but Matty's quick to his feet and grabs my hand to stop me. I flinch pulling my hand away from his "don't" i whisper. Still refusing to look at him. Staring at the floor.

Please. Just let me go and save me the embarrassment. Jesus!

"You're going?" he knows i am.

"Yeah" i nod

"How you getting back?" he asks. He even looks concerned.

I just shrug. Because i have no idea how. I really didn't think this through when i told George to go. 'Should of thought about that before you rammed your tongue down his throat' my inner self snarls at me from my actions earlier.

He sits back down, scratching his head again. He always does this when he's uncomfortable or nervous.

I sigh, knowing i don't have enough to get a taxi. Sighing because i don't want his pitty either. So I'm just gonna make out as though i have a ride back, somehow.

"How did you even get here?" he looks up at me. Asking before I've even had chance to answer his previous question. God. What is this? 20 question game.

Should i tell him how i got here? Or lie....

Bollocks to him.

"Um, G-george drove me here" i can't help the guilty look thats creeps on to my face as i mention his name. Prepare for an argument Kay.

"George!" he spits. Raising his voive as he stands up, in front of me.

I look around to see if anyone is in the waiting area now. To see if anyone is in ear shot, frowning in our direction at Matty's outburst and risen voice.

Sighing again. I turn to walk off. I'm not doing this now. Not arguing again. Here. It's not the time or place... when is though.

"What's your problem?" i spit back at him, turning back to face him after i ask. In fact yeah. Let's go. Lets have this out now.

"you know my problem" he looks me dead in the eye. Not budging.

A boost of confidence hits me and it's out before i can think about it "what, so, you don't want me so no one else can, huh?" i stare back at him. Waiting for him to say something else... he doesn't add anything else on. He's changing subject all of a sudden... yeah, i thought so.

//For Crying Out Loud...//  Matty Healy story!! (Completed) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now