//Chapter 40//

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"I'm going too" I attempt to step up into the ambulance to be with her

"I don't think so" George holds his arm out infront of me, blocking me. If he knows what's best for him, he'll fucking move, right now. I'm not in the mood. I shoot him a warning glare, but he doesn't budge.

"If you don't want round fucking ten, i suggest you take your hand off me" i stare down at his hand as it rests on my chest, trying to force me away.

He ignores me completely, tapping on the van before climbing in "Come, on lets go" he shouts to the paramedics to close the door. Trying to hurry them up.

"Matt?" Kay speaks out in a low whisper. I glare over at George, watching his expression. Waiting for him to tell me again that I'm not going near her.

"I'm here!" i rush past him, he makes no attempt to stop me this time, but anger is visible on his face as he takes a step back away from her so i can get to her side "I'm here" i grab her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze, reassuring her I'm here and not going anywhere.

"Don't try and kill yourself again, okay?" a small smile plays across her face, her eyes closed. Then she falls silent. A nervous laughs leaves my mouth before i turn back, looking over my shoulder to George to see if he heard.

"What!" he shouts out, throwing me a discusted look - making me jump before a paramedic steps in with us and the doors of the ambulance are closed. Good. Least now he'll have to behave and won't be able to throw any punches about.

"what's she talking about?" he points to her as she lays there with her eyes closed. I think she's asleep. The paramedic starts attatching wires to her chest and fingers. A machine comes to life, tracing her heartbeat. Beeping fast  and going crazy.

"What's that?" i ask panicked, pointing to the machine, watching it.

"A heart monitor" he says simply, not taking his focus away from Kay as he starts to write things down on a piece of paper on a clip board.

"What did she say? What she mean?" George asks annoyed as he takes a seat next to me, glaring at me.


"I dunno" i shrug, not taking my eyes off her "She doesn't know what she's saying, does she" I raise my voive slightly. Recieving a warning glare from the paramedic because of the noise level. I'm not fucking telling you, butt out, dickhead.

"Yeah. no thanks to you" he mumbles under his breath as he watches the bloke taking Kay's blood pressure then glares at me. I look at him for a second then take my focus back on Kay.

Fuck sakes! How the fuck am i gonna get out of this? The press will have a fucking field day if they find out I'm on drugs, and that i gave them to someone else. Jesus christ! They can't know.

"Do we know what she's taken?" the paramedic peeks up from his paper work for a second to look at us both

"No idea" George snaps "ask him" he nods towards me. Felling his eyes on me.

"Er, ecstasy, i-i think" i stutter, panicked. Scratching my head.

"You think?" the guys says in a sarcastic tone "okay. And where did she get it from? Any idea?" i feel as though he somehow already know's it was me. But i think it's just guilt ripping me through me. I just need to keep a straight face. An act like i don't know anything.

"I've no idea. She just, er- had it" i shrug. Keeping my focus on the floor.

"And have either of you took any?" he glares over at us as he takes a seat opposite us, crossing one leg over the other from the knee "Just so we can get you both checked out"

//For Crying Out Loud...//  Matty Healy story!! (Completed) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now