//Chapter 19//

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Fuck sakes!


"Gemma, just wait!"

I'm hot on her heels as i follow, chasing her as she practically runs down the stairs in a hysterical state. 

She can't do this. I have to stop her before she ruins everything. Ruins me. My life!

Why is she doing this? Matty's gonna believe her and think i did this, isn't he?

Of course he is. He isn't gonna believe me and what i say over her. Not a chance.

"Gemma" i call her to try and stop her. If i can just reason with her not to do this. Show her that i have no intention of ever taking Matty away from her like she thinks I'm trying to do. She doesn't have to do this. There is no me and Matty anymore. How do i prove this to her! I won't tell a soul about what i heard if she just, doesn't do this.

I just need Matty around, in my life. As a friend, I'm fine with that now. That's all i need, friendship from him. I just can't lose him again. 

Everything was good for once, finally! Why can't it stay good?!

She's fucking bat shit crazy. That's why.

She ignores me, apart from turning around to give me a quick glare. Turning to see if I'm following her behind. She quickens her speed when she realizes I'm close behind.

What the fuck do i do now? 

"Gemma. Please?" i beg her, out of breath, as we get to the bottom of the stairs, giving it one final attempt.

She stops, turning around to face me. I open my mouth, ready to apologise. Only, i stop when i realise it's pointless wasting my breath. She gives me a huge grin followed with a wink as she heads off again, running and screaming towards the door.

Everything in me is telling me to just run out of that damn front door and never come back. But that will look odd. And that would be playing right into her hands and playing right into her little "play" even more. It'll look as though I'm running away from something. I may aswell just have "guilty" written all over my face.

But that's the easiest option for me here. An I'm tired of having to fight and deal with complicated things. Easy is running.

Running is the only option i have. The only option i have energy for.

There's no point what so ever in sticking around to be blamed for something i never did. They'll think I'm the mad one here. 

I stop on my tracks. Standing at the bottom of the stairs. Watching her run through the kitchen. This is it. What's the point in me sticking around here, trying to fight my corner. There isn't one. I don't have a point or a leg to stand on here. 

It doesn't matter what i do here now, I'm on my own. Again. From this point.

The voice in my head is doing everything in it's power to try and convince me to stick around, get my point across and not just let this bitch walk over me and destroy me. 'why should you have to run? Don't be a coward. fight!' 

But I'm tired of fighting. I don't need it, or want it.

She's his girlfriend. Of course he's gonna believe her. He's not just gonna automatically think 'oh yeah, she went crazy and started smashing her head against something, again. That's normal' Because it's not. She has some serious fucking issues! An i thought i was a troubled one.

Matty's leather jacket's hung at the bottom of the stairs. I walk over, grabbing hold of it, bringing it to my face. I sit on the stairs, hugging his jacket close to me. Taking in his scent. My favourite scent. I Feel that all too familiar pain again, creeping back, of losing Matty and him slipping through my fingers all over again. 

//For Crying Out Loud...//  Matty Healy story!! (Completed) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now