//Chapter 20//

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Matty's P.O.V ------

"Nah, I'm gonna head off tomorrow I think. Back with Gemma. Have a few hours with my mum and Lou. Have a few drinks with my dad then head back"

It's pointless me waiting around here till Monday - when we were gonna head back home originally. It's been nothing but fucking drama since I got here, and I'm done with it now. This was supposed to be a break for us, from touring, and the band. But it's been nothing but trouble. So much shit has gone off that I actually can't wait to get back to work. Back to normality. For now anyway.

"Yeah. I think I'm gonna stay till Monday" George grins nodding as he peels the label off his beer bottle. No guesses why.

"So you and k- ..." George's eyes widen, as though they're gonna pop out of his head. I think he's gonna go mental about me bringing them two up - he should of known I was gonna bring it up at some point - But he nods towards the door, to signal for me to look over in that direction "shit" he breathes, gobs smacked.

I look back, over my shoulder and panic hits me instantly.

"GEMMA?! What the fuck?" I jump up, running over to her as she stands at the door, covered in blood. In tears. In hysterics. Staring down at her hands "Babe? What the hell has happened? Gem?.. Here.." I slowly walk her over to the chair when she doesn't speak. Sitting her down. That's a nasty fucking cut on her head. Shit it's deep. "Who did this to you?" She's still crying. Shaking her head looking at the ground. "Did you fall?" who could actually do this to someone? She shakes her head again. I'm gonna fucking kill them!  

"I'm so scared Matt" she buries her face in my neck. I wrap my arms around her before I grab hold of her hands, she's shaking. I've never seen her like this! I kneel down in front of her, keeping hold of her hands, staring up at her "why you scared baby? Tell me, and I'll sort it. I promise you" she shakes her head. She's too fucking scared to tell me. She has to tell me.

"is it just your hand and your head?" she nods, still looking down as she wipes the tears from her cheeks "your belly? Th-the baby?" I ask nervously. Not sure I want to know. Not sure how I'd feel.

"It's okay" she whispers. Still not looking at me.

"well that's good" I smile up at her, trying to reassure her everything's okay. And me. Or it will be. 

"Get a drink for her George" I nod over to the kitchen, telling him rather than asking "water" I add. I know he'd end up bringing her a beer out otherwise. I need a minute alone. I know she wants to tell me something, but keeps looking over at him. Maybe she'll tell me if he goes.

He tuts, shaking his head but he doesn't argue.

"Babe?" I question her as soon as he's gone "You can tell me" I reassure her, slowly stroking her cheek. She winces at the contact from me. Slowly opening her eyes and just stares at me. I smile at her, I don't wanna rush her, but I need to know. This is killing me.

She looks down at her hands again, her fingers in a tight knot "Do you love me?" She blurts the question out then shakes her head again, as though she didn't mean to ask me that. Or maybe she doesn't actually wanna hear the answer.

"What?" I slightly laugh. A nervous laugh. Why is she asking me that. She knows I do. She thinks I do. Do I? I do. I just also love someone else, at the same time. But I'm working on that. So no, she doesn't need to know.

"Of course I do" I look up at her, trying to get eye contact with her. She relaxes her shoulders and a little smile spreads across her face "you know I do" i smile back at her, slowly rubbing her knee's to relax her a little more.

//For Crying Out Loud...//  Matty Healy story!! (Completed) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now