//Chapter 51//

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Kay's P.O.V--

I'm dragged across the floor quickly by my legs. Still unable to move, speak or open my eyes. But I'm feeling so many emotions. Panic hits me. I want to scream out. But it's just not possible. Why is this happening? Why is he doing this to me? For the first time, ever, I'm fearing for my life. Actually scared of the un-known.

Voices sound from a distance, an i know it's Jamie and his mate. His mate who did this to me. Their voices are muffled at first. But then Jamie raises his voice as he shouts out "Gemma" in disbelief. Then it's silent for a while. An the silence scares me even more.

Why is this always happening to me? Bad. I'm destined for all bad in life. I try one last time at opening my eyes. Relief floods through me when i realise i can. I sit myself up slowly, feeling dizzy and light headed still. Finding im in here alone. I quickly realise I'm in a bedroom. I search around, noticing the window behind me. I waste no time in getting to my feet. I rush to the window, trying to be as quiet as I've ever been in my life. I've no idea what's going on out there. Where Dale is or why he's doing this to me. But I'm not sticking around to see or find out. Panic hits me again when i figure the window's locked. I push and push at it, but it won't budge! I could scream out in fear, anger. Frustration. But i can't. I hear Jamie's voice coming back. Turning to see the door handle move. I don't remember where i was layed. So i quickly drop to the floor where i am, hoping they don't realise. Or notice I've moved from where they left me.

"Come on" i hear Jamie's voice before i feel him, as he attempts to pick me up. I stiffen. Wanting to fight against him. But something in his voice tells me he isn't in on this with Dale. He sounds panicked too. His voice rushed. What's going on?

But then there's a bang. A loud thud. An i feel something drop on me. Someone. Deadweight.

"Wrong choice Jamie boy" Dale tuts. Then Jamie's pushed off of me. I feel his body next to mine. Everything in me is screaming at me to get up, and run. Get up an attack him. I feel something wet and warm, dribbling down my neck, with a metalicy smell to it. Blood. Mine? .. Jamie!

What's he done? Why? He's bleeding. It's on me! If he can do this to his mate, i can't even think what he has planned to do to me. I know i have to do something. Anything. At least try. Bit i just can't. I'm petrified. I'm frozen. In shock. I keep my eyes scrunched shut. Trying to control my heavy breathing. Doing everything i can not to move. Not to cry.

It's been quiet for a while, so i force myself to peek through one of my eyes. First, i notice Dale's gone, again. Where? Is he coming back? It's dark in here. Quiet. Cold. Then i notice Jamie layed out next to me. Bleeding. Unconscious. Not breathing? I should help him. I need to fucking help him. But i can't. I can't do it. Shocks taken over my whole body. My brain. I lie still. Trying to snap my brain into action to think of way to get away. A plan. To help Jamie. I have to do something. I have to try!

My phone!... The batteries flat! Tears start again, allowing them to fall down my cheeks as i take another look at Jamie who's still yet to move. Please get up. Move!

Is this it? Is this is what's going to happen to me too? Why am i just waiting, allowing this to happen! I quickly becoming angry with myself. I start to pinch at my skin, nipping hard so it hurts for punishment. To snap myself out of this.

I hear the door creep open. I quickly force my eyes shut, tight "look at you two" Dale laughs. Speaking to himself, as though he's happy with himself and pleased with what he's done.

It takes everything in me not to move, to not flinch from his touch as he traces his cold finger along my wet cheeks. I try and take my mind some place else. To not think about what's happening right now and going to happen. But I'm blank. Completely blank. Numb. Alone. Scared. Emotionless.

//For Crying Out Loud...//  Matty Healy story!! (Completed) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now