//Chapter 50//

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Gonna hog a little bit of your time :D ... If you wanna read it........ 21st Sep, i saw The 1975. By faaaaar one of the best days of my life. Just wanted to share a little bif of it as I'm still buzzing about it! And if you've not seen them, you get an idea of how AMAZING it is an what it's like. Ha.. -- So me and my friend Hayley got there like, 3 hours before the doors opened. Just sat blasting/ singing (badly) to all their songs. The queue was just full of girls aaha, think i saw like 20 guys.. Not many. Anyway, we got in. Second row from the front. Right in the middle. Slightly to the right of Matty.  Before they came on a realised Louis was sat on the top (in the seats area) - we were standing - right at the front. With a few of his mates. Having his picture taken with a few girls - Following in his bro's footsteps aaha! They were like half an hour late on stage, Matty apologised. He was slightly drunk aaha. Looked aaaaaa-mazing! Black skinnies, black thin shirt with the top few buttons un-done (TATTOO) <3 They went to start The City, but there was something wrong with one of the guitars i think. So matty started laughing and was like "If we're gonna fuck up, I'm glad it's in our home town" They started, from the back of us a mosh pit started, everyone was just jumping around, barging into everyone. So me and Hayley were like "yeah. Go for it" was actually really fun! Then Matty was like "fuck Yeah!" aaha. He loved it! Told us how long they'd been waiting to play at the 02 Apollo and was like "You only get to play at the 02Apollo for the first time, once. An we get to share this with all you guys!" everyone went mental, screaming and cheering. They did a few more songs. At the point they did ME about 7 songs in, Matty was steaming drunk. Practically bottle of empty red in his hand. He sat, doing ME, Swaying all over, eyes closed as he sang. His shirt was open at this point <3 Then John came on with the sax, matty got down on one knee, holding his arms out towards him - he clearly adores that guy!! And he's actually a member of the band now as Matt was like "give it up for our new 5th member of the band" He jump down off the stage then, leaning into the crowd. Everyone went caaaa-razyyy! Trying to touch him. He put his arm around a few of them, this was at the left side of me, so i couldn't reach him. I was gutted! :( Did a few more songs. Said their goodbye's and thanks. The lights went off. But non of us where having that. Everyone started chanting "WE WANT SEX" About 20/30 seconds later, Matty troddled back on stage like "fuck this. I'm not going anywhere yet. Not even done our favourite songs" Then they did Heartout. I looked up, behind me. Lou was on his feet. Jumping around claiming his little bit of fame with him being in the vid... Bless him! :D Last song was Sex... that's when it ended bad. End of the song, Matty jumped down again, right infront of me. Put his arm around me and a few other, hugging loads of us (But I TOUCHED HIM. HIS HAIR WAS ON MY FACE - MASSIVE FAN GIRL MOMENT) But then everyone behind just went literally mental, a load of people pushed forwards to get to him. Hands where all over him, he was being pulled forward. Like stupidly, trying to pull him over the barrier.. people where grabbing his shirt. His hair. He was practically over the barrier - There were only 6 security people. One had to try and pull Matty back over as he was being ragged about. Even George had to jump down to try and help him. The rest of the security were trying to keep the barrier up - was ridiculous! Then about 20 of us got forced to the floor, getting trampled on. (probably one of the scariest things thats ever happened to me) Rather than Matty just saving himself, he then tried getting over again to help the few of us up that were getting stood on. Shouting at people to "fucking get back" and asking us if we were okay. But by then the security where having non of it. And pulled Matty and the lads off the stage. That was it. Because of those few pricks, acting like massive arseholes. The end got ruined for everyone. We didn't get a goodbye. They just left. An i was left with a bruised eye socket :( --- So all in all. Best time of my life but massivly gutted!


Matty's P.O.V--

I park the car outside the huge building. It doesn't even look like a house. It's the size of a church and has on old fashioned feel to it. But this has to be it. He's one of the richest bastards around here now. Not that it's his money. He dropped on lucky with the rich woman he met. I wonder if she knows just what he's like. Controlling. Selfish. A no good alcoholic. And probably just after taking all her money to piss up the wall. After he's made her ill too!

//For Crying Out Loud...//  Matty Healy story!! (Completed) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now