//Chapter 46//

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"I've gotta go" i push away from Hann agaisnt his chestt. I can't just stand around, doing nothing but feeling sorry for myself "i gotta get a ticket and see her" i search round, looking where i can buy a ticket. I have to follow her. I have to tell her what she needs to know. She needs to know this!

"You're too late!" he tries grabbing my arm to stop me. Trying to calm me down "she's gone" he looks down at the floor as he speaks the last part. I know she's gone. But if i can just get to her, i can bring her back. I know i can. She'll hear what i have to say, an she'll come back. She will.

"I can get her to come back" i quickly glance at evie, who stands there silent, staring at the floor, wiping the tears away from her cheeks as she hugs Ad with one arm around his waist "she'll come back. W-wont she?" i ask her. Trying to sound hopeful. She knows her, she seems to know her better than me a'lately. I stare at her waiting for her to answer. Trying to keep positive. But her face says the opposite. Says anyting but what i want her to say or think "right?" i push her for an answer. I push for her to tell me what i need to hear.

She turns away from me, pulling Ad with her. They both set off walking away from me "She's gonna come back" i shout to her.

She comes to halt. Turning around slowly, her eyes meet me. Her face full of pure hatred "Just shut up!" she screams "do you not get, she's gone because of you. You drove her away with your lies and constant bullshit" her bottom lip trembles, her words coming to a whisper "and now she's gone. You pushed her away. My best friend. Who i need!"

"I'm gonna fix this. I'll bring her back" cutting her off. Smiling, trying to keep that little bit of hope that I'm clinging on to.

"She's not coming back! You destroyed her. She did every..fucking thing for you!" she shouts again as Adam just caresses her back, trying to calm her down "you couldn't even just be there for her. You made her take the blame for everything!-"

"Come on" Adam pulls her to set off walking away again. Not even giving a glance in my direction

"Hann, mate? Come on i-" I chuckle, nervously.

He just turns my ways slightly as he still walks, shaking his head at me. Looking at me with that hatred look too.

"Fine. I don't need you. I'll fix this myself. She'll come back" i shout louder as they're almost gone in the distance "She'll come back!" i repeat. Trying to make myself believe it.

Kay's P.O.V---

"Kayleigh?" my dad shouts me distracting me from, which ever planet my brain's took me too. I can't think straight. I can't think of anything. I just have his face, there. Stuck in my mind "You alright?" he smiles at me from across the plane, sat in the end seat in the seats opposite. No. I'm really not okay. What the hell was he doing here? Why was he here? How did he even find me?

"I'm fine" i fake smile at him. I will be fine. The quicker i get away from here, the better. The quicker he's just a distant memory, literally in a far away distance, I'll be alright.

"Shall we get us a drink?" Jamie asks, nudging his arm into me as he pulls the food and drink menu from the holder on the back of the seat in front. I just nod eagerly. Drink will help. Having Jamie to talk to seems to help. To say I've only known him a little over an hour now. Walking over to me, remembering he nearly killed me off outside the airport, walking into me. He seems.. nice. We seem to have a lot in common too. Wanting to get drinking already seems to be the best one.

My dad hears, looking up from his Ipad to give me a quick disapproving look. I roll my eyes at him, expecting him to say something. But he doesn't. Jamie then looks across at him, awkwardly, apologetically, probably seeing the look too. But my dad smiles across at him before he takes his focus back to whatever he was doing before.

//For Crying Out Loud...//  Matty Healy story!! (Completed) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now