//Chapter 16//

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"certainly knocking those back tonight" George points out. I've really not had that many.

"it's only my 4th drink" i frown at him, stumbling a little, holding onto the kitchen top as Gorgy boy pours his first drink. He's the one who was boasting about it being 'the weekend' now he's been a little bitch about it.

"it's 1oclock. You're on your 4th vodka. Half the bottle for the shots has gone and you're on your 3rd smoke-" he laughs shaking his head at me "greedy as ever" guessing that's some sort of nick name he's given.

"so?" i shrug my shoulders before starting to roll my 4th joint. This shits good. Really good!

I feel damn good. I knew this stuff would help me. It's healing me good and proper. Putting a fence up, a barrier around my brain to stop my thoughts wondering. It's putting a shield up, protecting my feelings. Stopping them from oozing out of me. Stopping things and people getting to me. Nothings getting in my way and ruining my night tonight. That little prick and his slut bag could walk in, he'd get a smile and 2 fingers in his direction. This is exactly what i need. I know it's fucking crazy that I'm hanging around with his best mate now, the guy I'm trying desperately to get - and stay away - from. But he's not too bad, George. He's cool. He's managing to keep my head and thoughts where they should be. Right here, right now. Not the past. Not tomorrow. I actually feel a little close to him from our chats we've had today. He seems to understand me. Understand what I've been going through. Still going through. He lost him mum when he was young too. We have quite a few things in common. The pot and drink for starters. We both agreed it feels like we've known each other for a while now. Strange. But it's a good strange.

I know for a fact if certain people found out we were hanging out, they wouldn't like it. But who gives a fuck who i spend my time with. I'm not here to please anyone. If it pisses him off along the way then, good! Job well done.

I actually don't even know why he is hanging around with me to be honest. But fuck it, i actually don't wanna know either. Or care! I need company. I'll take what i can get right now.

I'm not exactly crowded with friendship. I haven't heard a peep from Eve. She's all loved up with that Adam guy according to George. Double dating with them 2 fuckers.

George has accidentally brought his name into a few conversations, but to be honest, it hasn't phased me. It hasn't struck me down or bothered me like it should and used to. Maybe its the booze and the joint's that's stopping it getting to me. Or the fact it's his mate. Or maybe just the fact I feel at ease that i don't have to hide anything.. He already knows about us. And i feel comfortable him knowing. He's so easy to get on with.

We're not so different me and him.

The house is filling up quick now, it's dark out. Big crowds and gangs of people walk in. seriously... He must just invite fucking anyone and everyone. Well I'm here, so that's obvious. It's heaving! The music's playing loud.

I've no idea what's come over me, but I'm on a massive high. A massive buzz! Paramore roars through the speakers 'still into you' - hilarious! Coincidence? But its one of my favorite songs. I have a massive urge to just get up and dance, god knows why, i never dance. Ever! But i wanna.

Grabbing hold of George's hand i try pulling him into the living area to dance where a few others are jumping around. He's trying his hardest to stay put where he is. but im not having any of it "no, Kay. I don't dance" he complains. I take no notice. He doesn't try and stop me but i know he's not happy. I find this amusing. We stop in the middle of the room. Taking one of his hands, keeping hold of it as i jump around in front of him like a mad looney, hoping he'll copy. I struggle, the pain from my ribs still there. The drink and pot has numbed most of it. He just laughs and slowly builds his confidence up. Beginning to copy "nah, i can't -" he shouts over the music, struggling to pull his hand back. I just laugh. Finding his nerves and the fact he's uncomfortable - so hilarious. He's so different to Matty. The first time i met him, he was this cocky little shit. Trying to flirt with me outside, in front of those two. Trying to act clever and smug, showing off. But he's actually nothing like that. He's sat there today, listening to me. To the stuff I've been through in my life. Never judging me. Never stepping in to tell me I'm a fucked up failure and that i have to change. Because he's just like me. We're alike. He understands me.

//For Crying Out Loud...//  Matty Healy story!! (Completed) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now