//Chapter 31//

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YELLOW! :) Agaaaaaain. Blah..Blah..Blaaah.... Spelling mistakes. Rushed. Apologies. Enjoy! xXx

Lou's P.O.V----

*Where u at?* i type the text with a shakey hand. I've only just got back home. Words can't even explain how fucking livid i am right now.

Shit's about to hit the fan.

Matt replies within a few seconds telling me he's heading back to London.

*Bout time we got shit sorted. I'll be through shortly*

Mum won't mind me lending her car if she knows it's to go through and see him. She knows we haven't exactly been seeing eye to eye lately. She hasn't a clue what's going off between us with this whole shit. But she'll be chuffed if she thinks we're back to normal.

If only she knew.

Matt's always been the favourite one between us. The golden boy. Even before all this fame bollocks. I'd love for her to find out everything now. See how she feels towards him then.

I've always been pushed aside. Doesn't and never has mattered what Louis wants. Lou goes without. Lou has to just sit quite, in the back ground while Precious boy has all the attention on him.

All that affected school for me. Affected my confidence. I used to get bullied in school. Over a few things. My sexuality being the main one. But obviously, school days.. I tried denying it. I wasn't actually 100% sure myself how i felt and who towards. I used to just brush it off. Try an ignore it. Expect the feeling of liking girls to come later on, as i grew up. Now i have grown up. And I've realised it's never going to come. That's not who i am. It's not what I like. And I'm okay with that now. I've accepted it. But my family, people closest to me. I know it won't be okay with them. They won't be able to accept it. And that's something i can't bring myself to deal with.

I didn't think anyone would accept it. But Kay showed me different. She never made me feel any less- human. Any less normal.

It wasn't even a big deal to her when i told her. She's the only person that does know. The only person i felt close enough to, who i could trust enough to come out and admit it to.

If more people were like her, the world would be a better place. Yet she can't even stand the person she is.

She was just getting better. Building on that confidence. Beginning to believe in herself. And that evil bitch had to ruin it and bring her crashing down again.

I was going to tell her, about everything, at some point. I was!

I can't help who i happen to be related to. And the slut he chooses to be with.

It's not even him i wanna see. It's her I'm gonna have it out with. Put her in her place. It's about time someone did.

She's messed with the wrong fucking person this time. And she has far too many secrets to be playing trouble causer.

Her world's just about to come crashing down. An i have front row seats to witness it.

Kay's P.O.V----

I stand outside the café shop where i used to work. Staring in through the window. Having a debate with myself whether to go in or not.

If she's working i don't even know if she'll wanna speak to me. I don't even know what to say to her. Sorry? Not that i know why I'd even be apologising. For not giving her a chance to explain. Maybe I've been a bitch to her at some point, for her to wanna be a bitch to me. For wanting to do what she did.

//For Crying Out Loud...//  Matty Healy story!! (Completed) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now