//Chapter 58//

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"Matty, there's police everywhere" Lou begins to panick. Looking around, acting paranoid and making us all stand out like a sore thumb. Even if we'd not of done anything wrong. I'm sure we'd be getting looks like we had done with his behaviour, drawing us unnecessary attention.

"Just stick to the plan. Calm down. An keep yourself low" i tell him. Trying to look around Kay to him as Kay sleeps on me. Still layed across me with her head rested against my chest. "here" i pass him a ten note "go get us some drinks. Coffee" i tell him. Cause knowing Lou, he'll come back with alcohol. Although i could kill for a few bevies right now.

He takes the note with a nod and heads off.

"So what now?" George stands from sitting opposite, taking a seat next to me now "you can't just ignore what happened earlier" he tells me with a stern look before taking a look at Kay, seeing her asleep on me, peacefully

"No idea mate" i tell him "i just wanna concentrate on getting her home first" i push all thoughts out of my mind for now. I've doen enough thinking for a while. I can't be thinking about that till i actually manage to get her home.

Lou makes his way back to us, without any drinks. On the phone "here. It's mum" he holds his phone out for me. I shake my head at him quickly, mouthing 'no'. Something else i can't be dealing with right now. I know Lou won't of told her he was coming all the way over here, an it'll be that gets the bollockin for it. He pushes it further in my direction. Obviously been ordered not to take no as an answer.

I sigh before taking the phone

"Hey mum" i say softly down the phone. Hoping she offers some friendlyness back. But i know a lecture is heading my way for sure

"Oh, thank god!" she practically shouts down the phone

"What?" i laugh. Confused but amused

"Have you not been on twitter?" she sighs heavily "there's tweets flying about that you were in a plane accident?" she says, with an annoyed tone now. Almost biting my head off.

"A plane accident?" I scoff. Quickly becoming annoyed. Seriously, some of the crazy shit some people think up about me, is ridiculous. But this!... There's just no need. Do these people not realise i have a family and friends. An they're worrying them sick over fuck all. For what? Amusment. To get attention? I laugh! But it's so i don't shout out in anger.

"I'm fine mum. No plane accident" i reassure her when she stays silent. Trying to keep my voice low now as Kay stirs in her sleep

"Where are you? And that brother of yours. I told him not to go see you, you know. But just like his older brother, he takes no notice of dear old mum" she sighs again. I decide not to make a joke about her comment as she still seems upset with the rumour.

"We're er-" i concider lying. Because where i am, involves a plane. An i think she's probably already given herself a near heart attack with panic

"We're just recording some songs. Stopped over at a hotel" i tell her. Thinking this little fib will work

"Where?" she quizes

"London" i say quickly. Simply. London being the first place that slipped off the tongue. And it being the most believable

"Hmm" she says then pauses for a few seconds. That means she doesn't believe me. She always does that when she knows I'm lying

"Well I've had Kay's dad on the phone" Oh shit. "Listen, don't do anything stupid" she lightly warns me "i know you care about her but-"

"Mum..." i cut her off "We're all fine"

"Kay?" she asks, as a whisper. Which makes me smile that she still remembers and cares about her.

//For Crying Out Loud...//  Matty Healy story!! (Completed) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now