//Chapter 37//

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"You should slow down!" i glare at him, then back at the road as we wizz past everything outside. Clinging to the seat for dear life. Jesus. Is he trying to kill us!

He looks at me quickly then laughs, shaking is head. Amused over something. Enjoying this.

"Put your seat belt on" i point, my voice and face serious. We're gonna have an accident if he doesn't slow it down and control his driving. Weaving in and out of busy traffic. I know he's pissed but there's no need for this.

He laughs again "put yours on" he scolds me, laughing again. Clearly amused at my comment. Ignoring him, i gaze out of the window, deciding against an argument here. There's no point. I bite my lip to stop me from carrying on.

I keep having quick glances at him. His mouth in a tight line as he frowns, keeping his focus on the road.

The silence becomes too much "it's not what you think" i say, barely a whisper, I need him to speak. His behaviour is freaking me out. He's too quiet. Too un-George like.

"Spare me, will you" he shakes his head " i don't wanna hear it" he puts both hands on the steering wheel, gripping it tight, his knuckles turning white. He takes a sharp right suddenly, almost hitting an on coming car

"JESUS!" I shout out, covering my face. Not baring to look.

He laughs again. What's gotten into him? He's scaring me.

I stay quiet the rest of the ride. He's beyond angry. An it doesn't matter what i say to him. I know what i did was unforgivable. Unspeakable? By far the biggest mistake of my life! Is he scaring me purposly. Punishing me?

What the hell have i done?! I deserve this.

He pulls up outside my flat. Staring out of his window to the side. Giving me the feeling he can't bare to even look at me.

Making me feel small, again.

"thanks, f-for the ride back" i whisper before opening the door. I need to just go.

He grabs my hand, stopping me from getting out.

"Your face" he points to my cheekbone, examining it with his eyes.

I bring my hair from behind my ear to try and cover it up "I'm okay" i smile "i-it's nothing.

"Him" he doesn't say it as a question. But i still answer

"No!" i scoff "why would Matt do that?" i look away from him as i mention his name. I feel sick just from speaking his name. What was i thinking?!

He just stares at me. As though he doesn't believe me. I sigh. But don't say anything else. I don't know what to say...

"You back with him?" he asks, but looks away from my direction again.

"No" i shake my head.

"Us?" he shrugs, looking at me now through the corner of his eye as he fiddles about with the gearstick.

"What about us?" i ask him, confused. Us?

He sighs. Pausing for a moment as though he's thinking through what to say... "Well, is there one?" he turns his body to me. Staring at me now. Feeling his eyes on me as he watches me.

"Um, i-" i pause. What do i say? "do you want there to be?" I bite my lip, looking down. I don't need this now. My mind is frazzled. I can't think straight. Why you asking this, now?..

"Just tell me" he raises his voice slightly then quickly apologises. Shit he's angry.

What do i want? I don't know! Why now? Because of what happened? Would he be asking me this if he didn't know what happened with... what almost happened with him?! I know he likes me, an yeah. I do him too. And he knows that. But a relationship?... I just don't know. And right now?

//For Crying Out Loud...//  Matty Healy story!! (Completed) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now