//Chapter 32//

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Lou's P.O.V----

"Gonna let me come in?" i ask her, stood in the doorway as she just stands, shocked and confused as to why I'm here - i think. She doesn't look pleased anyway.

She looks unsure "Er, sure. Yeah" she steps to the side. Trying to look behind me. Probably thinking someone else is with me.

She closes the door but stays stood there, not coming any closer to me as i take a seat on the sofa.

"Drink?" she offers. Throwing me one of her fake, friendly smiles. Cut the bullshit darling!

"Nope" i say simply

"Ma-Matt should be home soon" she tells me but doesn't look over at me "any second" she adds on.

I'm finding every bit of strength in me not to laugh at the pathetic bitch. She clearly knows why I'm here. That's why she's acting like this.

She's scared. And rightly so. She should be.

Before i go ahead, and start the plan. Start the action of destroying this pathetic cow's life, like she has with people. I need to know what's what.

Surely Matt thinks she's still pregnant.

He's gonna be absolutely devasted. I know it! But he needs to know. He has a damn right to know.

Truthfully, I'm not even doing this for him. I'm doing this because the whole reason she's made this up is to try and keep a hold of Matty. And when the truth comes out... Well, she may aswell go ahead and pack her stuff up.

I'm doing this to destroy her. For her to feel how she's made others feel. How she's made Kay feel.

"How's the er, pregnancy, stuff?" i point over, gesturing to her belly.

She places her hands over her belly looking down at her non existant bump, and baby. Smile on her face. Oh she's a good actress. If i didn't know the truth, she'd of had me fooled.

"All good" she smiles still looking down.


"When's the scan?" i force a smile at her. I can't have her clicking on here what my intentions are before Matt gets back. This has to work. This is my only chance to expose the little rat she is.

"Today, i- i had it this morning" she plays with her finger, picking at her nail. Lies and guilt written all over her face.

"Cool, our Matt not go, no?" i ask her. I already know the answer

"He couldn't make it" she answers far too quick

"I thought he'd of dropped anything to make it" i shrug but not looking over at her. Just looking at that fucking smug face of hers, with the lies coming out of that damn mouth is making me livid already. Making me feel sick! But i have to keep calm, for now. Otherwise this will never work.

She doesn't say anything. She just smiles before walking into the kitchen.

I follow her in, keeping on her tail to keep her nerves up

"So how many weeks are you now?" i ask her, bombarding her with questions

"Not quite sure" a nervous giggle leaves her mouth as she fills a glass with water

"I thought they told you that, at the scan?" i tilt my head to the side, watching her face. Her eyes widen a bit, but she quickly recovers, acting annoyingly normal again

"About er, 13 weeks i think she said"

Damn it. She has a fucking answer for everything!


//For Crying Out Loud...//  Matty Healy story!! (Completed) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now