//Chapter 10//

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Mattys P.O.V

"This place is packed out man" George shouts into my ear as we walk in through the crowds of people. Music is blasting, people are dancing, drinking. Huge groups of people flood the night club.

"Its gonna be a good night!" Ad shouts to us all as we get to the bar on the top floor of the club, all stood in a line. I nod in agreement, not really paying much attention to what the guys are saying, I just want a drink.

"What we having boys?" Ross asks us, George and Ad order just a beer. Ross orders a whiskey. Me on the other hand, I'm out for a good night.

"A double vodka  for me and a shot of sambuca" I tell the blonde behind the bar "and one for yourself" i say, giving her a cheeky wink. She takes the note out of my hand with a little giggle and brings my drink over in no time with my change. "Keep it."

The drink barely even touches the sides of my throat as i guzzle it down in 2 mouthfuls.. The boys go and take a seat on the leather sofa's that line up all the way across the back wall of the club. I don't bother to sit, and turn to order the same drink again.

I signal to the guys that I'm heading out for a smoke after I demolish the second drink. George nods letting me know he's seen me. But he's occupied talking to a few girls that have been let into the V.I.P area. No doubt George having something to do with it.

The club is heaving now! I knew it was gonna be packed out with tonight being the opening of the place. I skim past a few people, I receive a few pats on the back and small waves and smiles from people as I head out, from people who recognise me, mainly females. But Gemma's heading down here tonight from London. She's the only girl who'll be getting my attention tonight.

I finally make it outside, sparking up a cigarette. I hadn't actually realised just how warm it is in there. I take off my leather jacket, handing it to one of the bouncers stood out front of the club. He gives me a nod and a small smile, letting me know he'll put it behind for me to collect on my way out. I pull my phone out of my trouser pocket, reading a text from Gem, letting me know she'll be here in just under an hour.

We've been on and off for a good year now. But we seem good now. I really wanna make a go of it with her. She's also in the lime light. In the fame game. Being a model. So she gets how things are. We basically live the same life. She brings the good out in me. Keeps me on my toes sort of speak. It's all good.

I was doubting actually letting her come down here to be honest. The whole... Kay thing. But truth be told, I wasn't actually expecting to bump into her. Yeah, I knew she was still round this area, but its a big place. What was the chances of her being there. Living in our old place.
How can she do that? I wouldn't be able to do it. She clearly has it easy.
It would rip me apart living there, with all those memories.
And now we've unfortunately bumped into each other, I can't see it happening again. I saw the way she looked at me. Pure hatred! Not that I blame her... I mean, I'd be shocked if she felt anything less than that towards me. I just wanted to apologize, once and for all.
But hey, I tried.

The paps are starting to crowd around outside so I see that as my cue to fight my way back inside, heading up to the top again.
There's a good 50 people up here now. 40 of them females.
"You smooth bastard" I shout over to George with a grin. He's sat with a good 10 of them. What a womaniser!

Ross is talking to a pretty blonde and Ad is stood at the railings, looking down onto the other two floors below us. I walk over standing next to him, putting my arm on his shoulder. He's staring down, focused on something, or someone. I try and work out what or who he's looking at, he catches me trying to figure out who he's eyeing up.
"Hottie alert. 12'oclock" he shouts out, not taking his eyes off the 2 chicks stood at the bar. He bites his bottom lip, squinting his eyes at them. He really hasn't a clue how to play it cool. But I don't want to dim his confidence.

//For Crying Out Loud...//  Matty Healy story!! (Completed) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now