//Chapter 60//

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I turn around, frantic. Desperate to know what's going on. What's being said. Trying to strain to hear over all the noise on the plane. Over everyone's conversations around me. Trying to lip read their conversation... But it's no use. They're too far away, at the other end of the plane.

"Kay, everything alright?" Lou leans forward in his chair to get closer to me. I shake my head. Unable to speak. Unable to think straight. I give him a worried look then take my attention back to the two of them  Stood in what looks like a deep conversation. Please, god. Say he didn't hear. What's taking them so fucking long?

Oh shit, they're coming back. I snap back, turning around in fast speed. Facing Lou again so it looks like I'm talking to him incase they was to see "swap seats with me" i beg him suddenly. He gives me a confused look. But then looks at me amused over something. Me. Like I've just asked something really stupid "Lou, please. Swap seats with me" i give him a glare to hurry him up as i already stand back, wanting to sit down where he is before they get back over here. Just in case. Hoping and thinking I'll be safer sat away from him. Away from questions. Away from him hating me and feeling the need to tell me just how much in front of everyone.

"Your funeral" he stands to the side so i can sit, laughing before he takes my seat in the middle in front of me now.

George passes me, looking down, shaking his head at me quickly... what the hell does that mean?! "what?" i mouth at him. But he's taken his focus away from me at that point - to sit back down.

"You doing there?" Matty stops on my aisle, stopping next to me when he suddenly notices I've moved. A little annoyance in his voice? Oh shit. I stiffen again. Annoyed because of what I'm fearing? Or annoyed because I've moved away from him?

"This lady was talking to me so-" i try to tell him

"No she didn't, she's only just-" I cut Lou off talking like he just did to me - when i boot the back of his seat to shut him up "Ow!" he curses out. Annoyance clear in his voice. He just doesn't know when to shut his mouth! I look back up at Matty who's still stood there, confused. But then offers me a small smile before he sits back down in the seat directly in front of me. But i feel as though it was forced. He's annoyed. I know it.

He smiled at me. That was definately a smile. Does that mean I'm safe? He didn't here? I need to know! I need to get to George.

"Excuse me" i speak quitely to the old man sat on my aisle, next to the window. Behind George

"Yes, dear" he smiles friendly over at me, even though i just rudely pulled him away from his newspaper

"Sorry to bother you - Er, could i just, have your seat for like, five minutes?" i ask, throwing him a smile back "I'll be five minutes, i promise" i whisper. He gives me a quick nod before he stands. Woddling about, past his wife, then stands, waiting for me to woddle past, careful not to knock the lady still sat in the middle - to get his seat "thanks" i whisper when I'm sat.

"It's not musical chairs Kay!" Lou practically shouts behind to me before laughing. Finding himself hilarious.

I stand quickly, slapping him at the back of his head. Then sitting quickly again. I look quickly over at the lady sat next to me as she begins to giggle away to herself at my actions "Massive pain in my-

"Oh, I'm sure he is" she cuts in. Clearly knowing what i was aiming to call him. But then laughs again.

"Ow. Again!" Lou rubs the back of his head from my assualt on him.

I tap George's shoulder. He quickly looks over his shoulder, seeing me peeking from the little gab between his seat and the window "so?" i ask him rushed

//For Crying Out Loud...//  Matty Healy story!! (Completed) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now