//Chapter 27//

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Kay's P.O.V ------

I wake in one of the most relaxed, happiest moods. I slept well to say i had a lot of shit on my mind last night from his apperance and bullshit yesterday. Surprisingly though i don't seem to be affected by him this time. Or his words. Not this time. Not anymore. Finally.

That, and i have my audition later. But I seem calm about it all, for now at least. I still need to try and persuade Lou to come with me. I can't do it alone.

The sun's shinning through the window as Paramore sounds through the radio as my alarm. I get up, keeping it on and making myself a tea. Singing along to one of my favourite songs of theirs.

"Come in" i shout as a loud knock on the door pulls me away from my singing warm up. I don't know why he's knocking, he usually just walks straight in.

"want one?" i point to the kettle, keeping my back to the him. He'll probably make his own. Always complains i make it too weak.

"No thanks" a feminine voice speaks.

I turn to be met with a friendly, nervous smile from Eve. The hell does she want?

"You're joking, right?" i can't help the laugh that leaves my mouth "your make up bag is over there" i point to the bed side table "get it and go" i turn back around. Not interested in the slightest to what she has to say, or why she's here.

"Kay" she sighs out loud "you need to know something. A-about Gemma" i turn to glare at her. What now! What do i NEED to know. I don't wanna know anything anymore when it comes to her.

I laugh. I know exactly what she's going to say. It's the pregnancy thing. I don't know if she thinks she is or maybe she's found out she's lying about the whole thing too. But i don't care. It's nothing to do with me now. And why is she ratting on her new bbf all of a sudden. Sneaky bitch she is! Must do it to everyone. Must be a hobby of hers. Evil cow.

"I don't care Evelyn" I smile, that smug smile i seem to be using a lot these days "i probably aleady know. An I'm past caring" i tell shrugging before turning to finish my drink.

"You done?" i ask her sarcastically. Sighing when i can feel her watching me and not moving to leave. Take the hint god damn it!

"I just wanted you to know, I'm sorry. About before" she pauses "and here's your last months wages from Bill" i glare over my shoulder at her. She holds the envelope out in front of her towards me to grab it. I don't move. Ignoring her, hoping she'll get the hint and leave.

She throws the money down on my bed and heads for the door.

I fucking hate her! She's the reason that lot of money is my last. Why i had to leave that job. Fuck know's what I'm gonna do now. With this place, the flat. With bills. But i had to leave there. I wasn't gonna work with a snakey bitch. Who betrayed our friendship and trust, just to get her leg over on some famous prick. And be so far up some models arse, I'm surprised she can't constantly smell shit for the rest of her life! She was the one person i had. And she knew that. So why now? Why try and make it better and realise now?!

She grabs the door handle, turning to face me again "just please be careful Kay. She's-" she pauses, looking at the floor as though she's thinking of how to word what she wants to say "she's evil! She's planning bad things"

I can't help the little snigger. Is this supposed to scare me? I just smile and watch her close the door behind her.


*Have to leave for my 2nd audition in an hour. Pls pls come?* I text Lou.  I know what he's going to say. I know he has something going off with his mum today. But i could really do with the support. The confidence boost from him.

//For Crying Out Loud...//  Matty Healy story!! (Completed) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now