//Chapter 59//

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Half an hour on the plane. An I'm having to fight against the tiredness. My eyes sting so bad from the lack of sleep. My eye lids feel like they're made from concrete. Each blink lasts longer. My body ready for shut down but my brain wanting an needing to stay awake. Just in case Kay was to need me. For now, she seems fine. In deep conversation with George as he sits at the other side of her. Of course Lou wanted to sit at the other side, but Kay - for some reason - wanted George at the other side of her. So Lou was forced to sit next to the old couple behind our seats. Forced to listen to their 50 years of marriage and how they came to New York for their wedding anniversary... Rather him than me. I'd definately be asleep by now if it was me.

I try my hardest to listen into their conversation. Just incase she finally opens up, about how she's feeling. What she's been through... in case she'd rather tell him and talk to someone else.  I know i shouldn't be listening. i feel like she's actually talking to him cause she thinks I'm sleeping as i sit here with my eyes closed... But i have to know, whatever she needs to tell him. I have to hear. Just in case she's not okay. Just in case she says something, an i know i could help her. But the tiredness is a massive wave, An it's taking me under.

It wins and all too soon, I'm in a deep sleep.

Kay's P.O.V--

"Drink?" George offers me with a friendly smile as he turns his head back, looking for the air hostess. I shake my head quickly but give him a friendly, thankful smile "you okay now?" he turns back around, shuffling about in his seat. Becoming annoyed and uncomfortable. These seats really aren't the comfiest of things. I give him a quick nod, but i keep eyes contact away from him now. He turns his head to the side giving me a look... that look when someone knows you're lying, but they don't want to bring it up or mention it, for your sake.

"I'm okay" i lie. Fidgeting about with a strand of my hair now for a distraction

"You know-" he pauses, waiting for me to finally look up at him "you can talk to me. I mean..." he looks over at Matty. I mirror him, doing the same before we both take our attention back to each other "us. Before. Forget that... Don't let that ever make you feel like you can't talk to me. About anything" he smiles over at me.

I nod again. Already knowing that. But it was nice to hear. For reassurance "thanks" my voice is low. Not wanting to wake Matty up. I know he's at the point of exhaustion. An i know it's my fault. I turn my body slightly towards Matty. Watching him sleep for a little while. He looks so peaceful. He looks like Matty again "he hates me" i whisper so quietly to myself. Telling myself. Thinking George was now occupied with his book

"No chance" George chuckles lightly, leaning forward to speak to me "he loves the bones off of you. You know that" he nudges his elbow into my arm with a smile

"I feel like I've destroyed him" i whisper back to George. But i keep my body facing and close to Matty

"That's funny" he says. An it sounds sarcastic, but his tone was serious "he thinks he's done the exact same to you. Ironic huh?" he asks, but keeps his attention down on his book.

I turn my body back around so I'm sat looking forwards now, taking in a big breath "Matty saved me" i tell him. Speaking the truth. A fact. Not that i need to tell him. Everyone already knows this. An i don't think I'll ever be able to re-pay him.

"an you know what you can do to re-pay him?" George finally brings his focus back to me, looking up slowly. Asking as though i just said my thoughts out loud.. I don't answer, i just shake my head. I haven't a clue. Tell me! "stick around" he says it playful, but i know he meant it. An there was so much seriousness behind those words.

//For Crying Out Loud...//  Matty Healy story!! (Completed) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now