Not a chapter // New Healy Story //

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Most of you know I'm on holiday. And cause i didn't bring my book with the chapters in, i can't update till i get back on Saturday (woo. Not long to go) i will update soon as i get back... Missed this story. But while I'm away, i had an idea for another Matthew Healy story. So last night i got it started... Called 'Love Child' ... Hoping you guys would be interested in giving it a read. It will just seem as though "ugh. Typical same story line. Sex. Baby.. So on..." but i promise i have sooo many idea's for this story. I could burst with excitement! Ha. Anyway, if you do want to give it a read. I'd appreciate it LOTS. Thoughts would be cooools too if you give it a read. First six chapters are on anyway. If not, that's cool too! ..... I'll update the next 3 chapters for this story Saturday morning! :) have a nice day guys! xXx Emilee.

//For Crying Out Loud...//  Matty Healy story!! (Completed) •IN EDITING•Where stories live. Discover now