1. Fishnets

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I nicely kept my outfit for tonight on the bed as I grab some accessories to it. After it was done I take a small sneak peak video of it and posted on instagram. Gotta look good for the MTV award show tonight.

I sit on the sofa in the living room checking some replies when Tom came in. "I'm home" He says. I didn't bother greeting him back. I just want to know what songs he is doing for the lip sync battle and he won't tell me. He sits next to me pushing my side towards him. "Baby?" He asks. "Hmm?" I reply staring at my phone. "You know those.. umm.. tight pants you wear?" He asks. "Leggings?" I ask lifting an eyebrow at him. "Yeah those. Umm.. Are those very uncomfortable?" He asks biting his nail. Something he does when he is nervous. "No. Why?" I ask. "Just asking" He says. After 5 minutes he asks another question. "What about the shorts?" "No. Tommy, they aren't uncomfortable either" I say. "Okay. What about fishnets then?" He asks. I sigh before getting up and looking at him straight. He was still biting his nails. "Tommy, why are you so nervous about?" I ask. He realises his habit and immedietly puts his hand down. "The show" He says in a lower tone. "You are gonna do great honey" I say patting his thigh. (Oh god those thighs)

"You are wearing this?" He asks holding the tight black dress infront of me with one hand on his hip. I sit down on the sofa and answer him. "Um.. yeah?" I say. "You can't wear this. Oh god no. No. No" He says shaking his head. "What's wrong with that? You love that dress." I say. "Well yeah.. I do.. But you can't wear this tonight. You are gonna give me boners on stage" He says panicking. "Then we will take it backstage" I say. "Either way we are gonna take it backstage but that's not the point. The point is you wearing this and all eyes will be on you" He says. "Well I don't have another dress." I say. Tom realises what outfit he will be wearing and changes his mind. "You know what. Just wear this and look georgous" He says walking back into the room with the dress. What is wrong with him? I think as I lock my phone amd walk back into the room. Tommy had gotten into the bathroom and probably left his outfit in the bag still.

"What are these for?" I ask confused as I hold a new packet of fishnets as Tommy walked out of the bathroom. "What? Oh.. umm.. I think Zendaya must have.. umm.. put it in my bag.. umm.. by mistake" He says. I reply with a simple oh as I start to get ready.

"You ready?" I yell from the room to Tom who was walking back and forth in the living room. "Wow" He says as he freezes after seeing me. "Oh god not again" He says to himself quietly but I heard. I giggle at him as I leave a quick peck on his lips.

The cameras start to flash before we could even get out of the car. A couple of questions from here and there and we finally made it inside.

It was going great so far until now. Its the lip sync battle and I feel so excited. A retro style Tommy with a black suit and probably a womens black hat starts to dance around with his umbrella. What came next shook me up and left me with wide eyes. Thomas Stanley Holland in fishnets with booty shorts dancing to Umbrella. Ohmygosh.. what a sight. I laugh with the members at the table as he moves his body to the beat. Now I know why he was asking those weird questions. After his performance I noticed how uncomfortable Tom was down there. He had his hand covering it up. I excuse and made my way towards his room backstage.

"You look sexy Tom" I say as he turns around in shock to my voice. "YOU!!" He screams as he attacks me into a deep kiss. "I told you not to wear this" He says kissing my neck. "Look at what you are wearing though" I say laughing. With everything I said about his outfit the more he attacked me. "You are loving this aren't you?" He asks smirkingly.

"GUYS! KEEP IT DOWN" Someone yells outside the door knocking on Tom's door. We both laugh as went back to doing our business.

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