52. Out of the woods (Requested)

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"Why does the flash has to be so bright?" Tom complains as he rub his eyes. "I don't know." I reply. We were cuddled up on the sofa on the cold and rainy afternoon. "The background is black." Tom says staring at the picture. "We are in screaming colour when the rest of the world is black and white." I say leaving a quick peck on his lips.

"Remember that time you stubbed your toe while trying to dance and then we had to move all the furnitures to dance properly?" He asks playing with my hair. "Yeah. That was like last December." I stop there not wanting to bring back the negative memories. "Anyways, I have to go pick some stuff up. I'll be back soon." I say getting up and rushing to the car.

I drive to work to get some works done. It was past 17:30 now and I decided to drive back home before the weather got worse. "Hi. Yeah I'm on my way home." I say as I talk to Tom on the loudspeaker.

-Tom's P.O.V-
I hear y/n scream and a loud crashing sound. "Y/n? Y/n!!" I scream to the phone no reply. I look outside the window to see if she was nearby to be seen. I get my coat and run off to the road. Soon I get a call from the hospital. "Yes. I'm on the way." I say as I start up my car.

"Where is she?" I ask the minute I get to the hospital. "Sir, please try to stay calm. She is in critical condition but we are doing our best." The doctor says before going inside the room. I wait outside staring at the glass window blinded with blue curtains.

"She hit the breaks too soon. She had to get 20 stitches. You can go see her now." The doctor says once out in the hall again.

"Y/n?" I say her name caressing her forehead. "Hey." She replies softly. She sounded scared. It hurts me to see her like that. She starts crying as she holds my hand tight. My tears fell down with the sight of her. "Everything will be fine." I say kissing her forehead.

Days past by and Y/n is back home again. Still shaken a bit from the accident. "Baby, everything is fine. I'm here to stay. I won't let anything happen to you." I say hugging her.

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