16. Over protective.

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Pregnacy cravings can be so annoying. Like seriously why do I crave sour cream chips when I don't have them. Why can't I crave something which is in the house already. I frown to myself as I dial Tom's number. He must be busy with another interview since his phone is switched off. I bet Harrison will be busy too. Walking down to the store one block away wouldn't ve that bad I guess. As long as Tom doesn't find out.

I put on some comfy clothes and walk down to the store. I grab 6 different flavours of chips and walk back home.

-Tom's P.O.V-

"Babe, I'm home!" I yell as I walk inside. "Y/n?" I say. No answer. Maybe she's asleep. I sit on the couch and tune into some random TV show. Suddenly the door unclocks and walks in Y/n with a shopping bag. "Tom!!?" She says surprised. "I thought you were sleeping. Where were you? Are you okay? Ohmygod! Why didn't you call me??" I attack her with dozens on questions. "Tom, I'm fine. The baby is fine. I just went to get some chips. Your phone was off." She says before walking into the kitchen. I stop her and take the bag before her. "Its a bag of chips packets. Its not heavy at all." She says. I shrug.

-Y/n's P.O.V-

I pick uo the sour cream chips packet and before I could open it Tom offered to open it instead. I didn't bother replying. "If I don't pick up, call Harrison. Okay?" He says. I nod.

The next day I wake up early than usual to do the laundry. As I was putting the clothes in a half awake Tom walks in. "I'll do it." He says. "Tom, please. Go sleep. You have like 10 interviews to deal with a day. I'll be fine. I'm just putting clothes inside this. No harm." I say. He nods his head and goes back to sleep.

"Alright. I'm off for the interviews. I'll be back home soon. Hopefully. If anything happens just call me and if I don't pick up then call the rest of the cast. Okay?" He says. I just nod.

After a few minutes Harrison walks in with some shopping bags. "Hello Y/n." He says smiling wide. "Tom sent you here." I say folding my arms. "Err.. No." He says sitting down. "Haz, he's been too overprotective now. He doesn't let me do simple things even." I say pouting. "Simple things?" He asks raising an eyebrow. "Yeah. Like opening a chips packet." I say. Haz starts to laugh. "Y/n, he just want uou both to be alright. Why don't you talk to him?" He asks. "Well, I'm just scared it might hurt him. I mean he is really sweet and all but he seems so tired from all those interviews and stuff. I just want him to trust me that I'll be fine doing some little chores at times. I don't want to pressure him." I say feeling down. Haz gives me a hug of comfort. "Wait.. Aren't you on a call with Tom?" He says picking up my phone. It must have picked up without me knowing. "Umm.. Hello?" I say. "Y/n, I just called to ask if you needed anything." He says. His voice low. "No its alright. I'm good." I say before hanging up. "He seems down already." I say crying.

-Tom's P.O.V-

I call up Y/n to ask if she needed anything but instead I heard how she truly felt. Maybe I am being too overprotective but I can't help it. I love them both so much.

"Is she asleep?" I ask Haz as I walk in quietly. He nods. "Listen. umm.. Thanks for staying here today but umm.. I think she will do fine on her own now." I say biting my lips unsure of myself. "You heard what she said?" He asks. I nod. "Y/n really wants you to take care of yourself too. Don't lressure yourself. Put some trust in her okay?" He says. I nod my head in agreement. "I'll see you tomorrow." He says before leaving.

"Love? You awake?" I ask as I get into bed next to her. He mumbles something and hugs me. "I love you both so much." I say kissing her forehead.

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