27. He wants you back

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I walk in to Zendaya's house for the party she was throwing. Not many drunk people yet. Good. "Guuurl you made it." She says. Her tall figure walking towards me to give a hug. :Y/n! Hey! Long time I havn't seen you." Harrison says. Its true. I have always texted him ever since Tom I broke up. Reason? I don't know. He just changed his mind with a snap.

I walked towards the kitchen to see if she has got any cranberry juice. I don't drink and I don't want people to know think that I'm such a loser without any drink here. I yelp as somebody drags me by the arm on to the side of the wall. It was Tom. "What are you doing here?" His words came out rude. Although it was not his intention to sound like that. "I'm here to enjoy my best friend's party." I say trying to move away from the trap he made with his hands. He didn't follow me.

"Hey Y/n. Cranberry?" Jacob teases me as I nkd my head taking a sip of my juice. "How are you handling it?" He asks. "Hamdling what?" I reply confused. "Being in the same room as Tom?" He says. Before I could reply Tom walks towards us. "Can I burrow her for a second?" He says. Jacob nods his head as Tom drags me into a spare room. "Listen, Ba- Y/n. I'm really sorry." He says. "You think sorry will do? Tom, you just come home one day and then you say we are over and then you storm out and never came back. It's been 2 months. 2 months." I say tearing up. "Y/n, I know. I messed up. I just.. I found out the news about you cheating and I got really mad." He says. "You broke up cause of a false rumor? You didn't trust me? I never cheated on you Tom. Never. The least you could have done was to let me explain those false rumors atleast." I say. As I begin to speak again he crashes his lips on mine. I pushed him away. "You can't just go kissing me like that after dissallearing for months." I say tears rollind down. "I just did." He says. I storm out wiping off my tears. I bid goodbye to Zendaya and got home.

Its 2 in the morning and I'm sitting on the sofa with a cup of tea. I flicked through the channels but ended up putting it on mute. A sudden knock on the door startled me. I looked through the peep hole to see Tom at the door. I open the door. He was all messed up. He let himself in and crashed on the sofa. Is he drunk?

"Y/n.... I.... mi..
miss...yuuhh...." He slurs. Yup he's drunk.  I help him remove the jacket off and put a cover over his body as I sit across the single sofa. "Hello? Yeah he's here. I don't know what to do." I say answering Harrison's call. Tom started mumbling apologies. Is he telling the truth? I sit the night thinking of what to do before I dozed off.

The next morning I woke up early and made some soup for Tom. I watch him wake up as I slowly sip my tea. He looked at me and I turned my head around. "Baby." He says. I looked towards him immedietly. "What happened last night?" He asks. "You don't remember?" I ask. "I remember talking about you." He says rubbing his eye. "Yeah you did talk to me." I said. "No no. It was somebody else." He says looking at a distance. Is he all sober yet? I ask myself. "Babe?" He says. Does he not know that we broke up? Why is he calling me with those names? "Umm.. Y/n. Sorry." He says when I didn't reply. "The soup is getting cold." I say.

"Why didn't you call Harrison to get me?" He ask finising off the soup. I take the bowl and head up to the kitchen to avoid the question. "Why didn't you?" Tom asks following me. "Because.. I.." I struggled to speak. Before I know it his lips are on me again. I didn't push him away instead I kissed him back. He smiled into the kiss before pulling apart. "Is this a second chance?" He asks. I nod my head. He hugs me resting his chin on my head. "I promise I'll make it upto you." He says.

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