Prompt: They are so cute when they are asleep - Tom

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Tom wasn't very fond of cats but he had somehow started to find the kittens cute. Your friend was leaving on vacation and you had agreed to look after them until your friend came back. She felt bad to let you do it since you had given birth to twins a week ago but you insisted that it was okay.

"Tom? What are you doing?" You ask as he went through the craft stationary cupboard picking up some ribbons. "I um, got this idea." He says measuring it and cutting it. He moved towards the small basket picking up a kitten and putting the ribbon around it's neck making a bow. He did that for the other two kittens as well before putting them in the basket and taking out his phone to take pictures. You shake your head and walk to attend to a crying baby.

As you pace around the room trying to put one baby to sleep, the other one wakes up crying. "Tom! Could you come in here!" You say.

You and Tom paced around softly humming tunes putting the babies back to sleep. They slept peacefully in the middle of the big bed. You stare at them sleeping as you sat at the edge of the bed. "They are so cute when they are asleep." You say in awe making Tom's eyes go wide with an idea. He jumps off the bed running out of the room.

"You are not putting ribbon bows on their necks." You say as he comes in with a piece of ribbon. "I'll just put it around them then." He says.

You call out for Tom for lunch but no voices was heard. "Tom?" You say getting into the room. He had placed the sleeping kittens on the bed with the babies and was busy taking picture of them. You smile at him before taking out your phone to take pictures of him.

Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now