9. Drunk

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(Part 2 to 8. Argument)

"Tommy, is that you?" I ask as I slowly open the bedroom door looking at the hallway. A very tired Tom stood at the door. "Tom?" I say again walking towards him. He pushes me off making me fall to the floor. "Ouch." I say holding my head. "Leave!" Screams Tom. I stand up strembling with words to speak. "Wh..what?" I ask. "I said leave. Get out now!!" He says again. His face full of anger. "Out." He says again. I look around to find my bag and run out of the door.

Where am I suppose to go even? I think. I kept walking till evening I got lost in the city of London. Oh great. Should have just stayed outside the apartment. I find a small cafe in a quiet district. I order a muffin and sit by the window. It had started to drizzle. I stare out the window watching the water drops fall down on the glass.

"Y/n?" Says a familiar voice near me. I turn around to see Tom soaked in the rain. I stare at his face. "Y/n, I'm really sorry. I was drunk and I don't know what came over me. Work has been really hard lately and I just put it out all on you. I'm really sorry Y/n. Please come home with me." He says his tears getting mixed up with the water falling down his hair. "How did you even find me?" I ask. "When you love someone its not hard to find that person when they go. My heart guided to where you were. I know you don't know the city since you moved recently. I thought you would be at Harrison's but he said he didn't see you." He says. I give him half of my muffin and wiped off the water on his face with my napkin. "I love you Y/n" He says smiling. I smiled softly.

He puts his jacket on me as we walk back home through the drizzling rain. "I was just 3 blocks away and I got lost??" I say. Tom starts to laugh. "Yes love." He says. You just frown. "What happened in here?" I ask as I walk into a messy apartment. "I swear it was not like this when I went. I didn't do this." He says surprised as he stoodd in the living room.

"Ready for a second round baby?" Says a random girl standing by our bedroom door frame. I stand there frozen and staring into space.

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