36. You leave a mark on him.

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"Oops." I say. "What? What is it?" Tom asks. "You look hot." I reply sipping my hot cup of tea. Tom frowns with my sudden reply and walks to get his cup. "Oh god. I have work in an hour." He says sighing. I sat admiring him. "What are you looking at?" He asks. I shrug. Once I was done he called out to pass his shirt. I do what he says. "You sure you don't have to look in the mirror?" I ask. "Don't I look good always?" He says smirking. "Just saying." I say. "You are acting a bit weird. I shrug again. "Alright I'll see you in the evening." He says kissing goodbye.

-Tom's P.O.V-
"Woah!" Harrison says behind me as I look for my outfit. "What?" I say turning around. "Nothing." He reply. "Haz, can you check if I got a cut on my back. It kinda burns in some areas." I say. "Did you get attacked by a lion last night?" He asks. "Umm.. no." I reply. "I meant if you had "fun" last night." He says again and that's when it hit me. Its burning cause Y/n left scratch marks on me. Oh my. "Hey Tom." Chris says getting into my room. I immedietly turn around hiding my back. Harrison kept looking at me weirdly. "I think you have to cover up the front as well Tom." Chrish says making Harrison and him both laugh. "Sshh.. Shut the door before anyone comes." I half scream as I look at myself in the mirror. Not one. Not two. But atleast more than 5. Now I know why she said to look at myself in the mirror. She knew this all along. "Should I call for make-up?" Chris asks. "No. no. no. no. You two are the only ones that's gonna know about this. Harrison grab some make-up stuff and cover these up fast." I say handing some cream to him. "I have no idea what this is but alright." Harrison reply as he squints his eyes to read the description.

"Oh hi Tom. Harrison too." Y/n reply as I walk in. "Filming went well?" She asks with a little smile. "It was great." Harrison replies for me. "You knew all this time. Didn't you?" I ask pouting. "Know what?" She asks as if she didn't know. "These!!" I say pointing everywhere at me. "That's what you get when you leave marks on me and I had to wear a freaking scarf at breakfast with your mom cause my make-up wasn't helping." She says pouting. "Oh c'mon." I say jumping onto the sofa attacking her. "No more marks!! I have a meeting tomorrow morning!!" Y/n screams but I didn't take that for an answer.

"Guys, I'm right here!" Harrison says but none of us said anything. "Alright. Have fun. I'll just go have some ice-cream." He says before leaving.

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