Prompt: 87 and 88 [Peter]

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"The fight was okay but I got flown out of this huge glass window thing." Peter says through your laptop screen as he lay on his belly hugging the corner of the pillow and giving you a smile after he ends his sentence. "You didn't hurt yourself right?" You ask trying hard to stay awake. It was 2:50am when Peter had called you.

"No. I didn't get hurt. Well, maybe a little. The suit helped- wait, the suit was AMAZING!" He says making you open your eyes wide with him raising his voice loudly with the word amazing. "That's great love." You reply. "So what are you up to?" He asks making you raise an eyebrow at him. It was almost 3 in the morning. "Sleepy." You say with a small eye roll. "You woke me up." You say again yawning at the end.

"Stay awake." Peter says as you begin to doze off. "I'm trying to stay awake." You say shifting your body under the covers as you lean your back comfortably against the pillow. "I've so much to tell you. I took Captain America's shield. Mr. Stark screamed out underoos and that was my call and I went and took the shield with my webs. Baby, the suit made it so cool!!" Peter says excitedly. "Also there was a guy with a metal arm. It was cool." Before he could finish you interrupts him. "BUCKY!!?" You ask wide awake. "STOP INTERRUPTING ME!" Peter says with a pout. "Wait. How do you know him? How do you know that's Bucky?" He asks curiously. "I just know." You say avoiding to look at him. Peter sighs shaking his head starting to get a little jealous.

"Anyways, it was all great. I'll be home soon. I know I called you this late but it's also because I wanted to ask you if you could finish my homework." Peter asks with a nervous look. "No. We talked about this. I do my homework and you do yours." You say. "Yes I know but saving the world and doing homework is just hard okay." He says defending himself. "You were the one who didn't want to go to Germany cause 'somebody' had homework." You say. "Well yeah but you did them for me." He says with a cheeky smile. "That's cause you made me do it but not again." You say. "Fine. I'll be home soon and you can help me get it done. Okay thanks bye. Love you. Goodnight." He says ending the call. You groan at him but smiles to yourself. Even if he could get a little annoying you loved him a lot.

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