84. New begining [Part 5]

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I panic as I pack my bags to fly back home. Home. I use to love going there but now it's just full of fear. I wanted to meet Tom before leaving but I was already late to get to the airport. Maybe he will text to check up on me. Or maybe he might think I'm running away from him.

Ah. The land of heartbreak. My heart whispers to me as I see the glimpse of the city. I wanted to go back.

Seeing my mom after months was happy. I was fearing of seeing my ex anywhere. Alone or with his new girlfriend. When I will be locking myself inside four walls, he would be out there having fun with no guilt of what he did to me.

Pictures of Tom with some girl started to surface around the internet. Maybe he gave up on me and found someone else better. Maybe I should move on too.

Few days later I get asked on a date by an old friend, George. I don't know why but I said yes. Maybe cause I wanted a distraction. A distraction to get my mind off the nightmares locking me in.

The first date with him went well than I had excepted. I walk through the quiet empty city streets and ending up on the beach under the moonlight. I felt happy. I never had a first date where the guy treated me so nicely.

After a few weeks of seeing him, the news got to my ex boyfriend. Long paragraphs sent at 8am.

"Are you that desperate to get a boyfriend. Did 4 years not mean anything to you?"

It went on forever as if I made a huge mistake. I had stayed single for 8 months after he broke up when he talked about at least 4 girls he went out with and rubbed it on my face and I'm the one who did wrong?

5 and a half months later.
I fly back to London after a long holiday. It turned out he was a liar too. Didn't really care about me later. Always thought of himself as the priority. It's funny how lies are so pleasing and happy to hear than the truth that slips out like venom.

"You look like a mess dear." Alex says as he greets me at my own apartment who he had decided to stay while I was gone. I had told him about everything what had happened. How my ex doesn't like me being with anyone to him yelling every time he finds out I was going to meet George. "It's okay. It's okay." Alex says as he caressed my back hugging me as I cried out on his shoulder. "Let's get you freshened up and then we can talk or whatever. Yeah?" He suggests.

"I picked up these flower marshmallows. The one that blooms when you put on top of the hot chocolate. Mine looks dead." He says looking down at his cup. We sat on the sofa with our legs crossed like we were preparing for a slumber party. "Tom asked a lot about you. He was so worried. He kept asking why your phone was off." Alex says with a little smile. "Why?" I ask. He looks at me weirdly before speaking. "He was confused when you left suddenly. He knows you are not okay and he thought he did something to make you runaway. I assured him it was nothing like that." He says taking a sip from his cup. "He got a new girl right?" I ask after debating on whether to ask or not. "No he doesn't. Sort of at first I guess but it was nothing. He still wants you Y/n." Alex says. "I can't. I'm more broken than before. It hurts too much." I say softly but loud enough for him to hear. "I understand. Take it slowly. No rush. You can take your time with this but please give him a chance." He says. "I'll think about it." I say.

Few months passed and I was feeling better from all the pain and sorrow. Not completely but good enough. I sat alone on the bar stool as the bartender places my third drink for the night. Myself kept on trying to remember something but failing every time. Chugging down my drink slightly burning my throat I finally remember. Tom was gonna come with dinner and instead if staying at home waiting I'm here at a pub.

Almost tripping over my own foot I try to walk to the door. With my vision I kept seeing double of everything.

-Tom's P.O.V-
I knock on Y/n's door several times but no answer. Calling her for the 13th time she finally answers. "Tooooom." She slurs out my name. "Where are you?" I ask panicked. Worried and a little bit of anger. "The pub." She says with a hiccup. I rush towards my car to drive to the nearest pub as I kept analyzing everything I have heard from the call. Muffled music as she must most likely be outside.

Pulling over I spot y/n throwing up near a bush. Running over I help her hold her hair as I take her purse. "Done?" I ask. She nods her head. He eyes were starting to shut slowly. "Let's get you home." I say guiding her towards my car as I place my hand on her lower back.

"You are really nice. Why can't everyone be like you." She says whining as I put up the seat belt on the passenger seat. "I like you." She says. Does she mean it? She's drunk. "I like you too." I say. "No. I like like you." She says. I chuckle.

"Okay we are here." I say pulling up on her driveway. "Where are the keys?" I ask walking to the door as she put on her weight on my left side holding herself up from falling. "The purse." She mumbles.

"You know you can't go drinking the pain away. It leads to more drunken mistakes. Mistakes you end up regretting in the end when you get sober." I say. "What if I don't regret this?" She asks moving forward towards me. "Wh- what?" I ask. Without a word she crashes her lips onto mine. Either to shut me up or she really wanted to. I kissed her back tasting the weird mix of drinks she had had as concerns filled me up. Did someone get her drunk? Realizing she is drunk and not going to remember this in the morning I break away. "You need to get some sleep love." I say.

A/N: So sorry that this update on the mini story took ages.

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