20. Silent treatment

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[WARNING: Little bit of smut]

Gasping for air I fall down onto the bed embarassed of what just happpened. "Did you.. Did you just w-" Before he could finish his sentence I reply a no, running to the bathroom. "Babe its alright. It happens." He says by the door. I decide to take a shower before confronting with the issue. He was sitting on the bed with some pants on. I walk past him to grab some fresh pair of clothes. "Babe its alright. No need to be embarassed. Its me after all." He says. "Yeah but.. Its the way you reacted to it." I say pulling up one of Tom's T-shirts over my head. "I guess I was surprised." He says getting up. "This whole thing is a secret between us okay? And try to keep this one." I say at a childishly smiling Tom.

"Morning Haz." I say greeting him at the door. "What are you two upto today?" I ask as they both sit on the sofa. "Fifa?" "Fifa." I watch as they both take the controllers and begin the game. "I'll be in the room." I say.

I sit by the window jotting down some ideas for the new notebooks to design. The house went really quiet. Maybe they went out or something. I walk out of the door to get some juice when I stop on my tracks to hear Tom talking. "I'm telling you. It was amazing. She was amazing. Sure I did freak her a bit but it was so amazing man." He kept on talking proudly about the secret I had told him just a few hours ago. After they finished talking I finally decided to head to the kitchen. "Babe, can you make me a sandwich." He says but instead I grab my juice and walk back into the room without saying a word to him. Tom pauses the game and looks at Haz who just shrugs. After they finished the game and Tom bid goodbye to Harrison he walked into the room. "Umm." He mumbles. I sit quietly with my book. "Babe?" He says poking my cheek. "Babe?" Another poke on the cheek. I shot my head up to face him but with no emotion. "I did something?" He asks. I stay quiet. "Did I forget to do the dishes?" He asks frowning. "Wash the clothes? Clean the house? Change the covers?" With that he stopped coming into realization. I stand up and storm out of the room. Still giving him the silent treatment. "Baby c'mon. I'm sorry. You know that I can't secrets and its your fault that you trusted me with that." He says pouting.

"If you are not gonna talk then I have ways to make you talk." He says pinning me against the wall and kissing my soft spot. I left out a moan but bit my lip. He put his hand under my blouse slowly rising high. With all my strength I managed to move away Tom. "Oh c'mon babe." He says walking behind me.

"Still not going to talk? Then I'll poke you until you say something." He says. Both under the covers ready for bed. I get up to sleep on the sofa but he pulls me down on top of him letting out a sudden scream out of me. "Hah!! Its close enough to a word. Gosh Y/n. I missed hearing your voice today." He says kissing me. "Goodnight Tom." I say falling down on my side to sleep. "That's it?? Just a simple goodnight? Y/n c'mon. I can't." He starts to whine like a little kid. "This is what happenes when you can't keep a secret honey." I say smirking.

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