33. News

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Part 2 to No. 32: Tattoo
"Y/n?" I hear Tom's mom call. I run out of the door leaving Tom alone. "How many more pies do we need?" I ask. "Just one more blueberry pie would do." She replies.

"Smells good." Tom says walking into the kitchen. "You okay?" I ask as he back hugs me. His mom has gone to look after Emily for a while. "Hmm." He reply. "Are you nervous?" I ask turning around and looking at his face. "Me? Nervous? What no." He says walking out again. "Is he okay?" His mom says. I nod.

"Alright boys, now everyone is going to come and don't play those sword fights again." His mom says placing the food on the table. Sam was sitting on the sofa playing with Emily.

After about an hour all of his relatives crowded the room. Well most of them. Some that I havn't met and most of them I have. Sam and Harry took turns babysitting Emily while I kept chatting with people at the table.

"Is is the going away treat Tom?" His cousin says punching Tom's arm. He kept his gaze down to the playe but I could feel his eyes go wide. "Going away? Its just a small family gathering." His mom says. "Well Tommy here got a new movie in New York. Pfft.. Family gathering? I never see Y/n's family ever." He says. "I'll get more garlic bread." I excuse myself as I grab the empty basket of garlic bread into the kitchen Tom following behind me.

"Y/n he was just joking around. He doesn't mean that." He says behind me. "Maybe he is right. I don't even see my family ever. Rarely through video call even with the bad connection and you are leaving away." I say almost in tears. "Y/n.." He start. "How long?" I ask. "What?" "The movie. How long is it." I ask. "3 years." He softly reply to himself. "You wouldn't take it right?" I ask. He didnt reply. "You signed it already?" I ask. He slowly nods.

"Y/n, I think Emily is hungry." Harry says carrying a crying Emily. I wipe my tears and take her. Before I could turn around to make her baby bottle Tom has already heated it up. He takes Emily from me as he slowly rocks while feeding her. "Y/n, I'm really sorry. I know I should have-" He starts but get interrupted by his mom. "The food is getting cold. We can talk about it after they leave. Tom, you are in very big trouble." His mom says. I chuckle I bit with his reaction.

"Nothing." I reply as I walk out. "Tom's a lovely father, isn't he?" His aunt asked. "Yes he is." I reply. "Honey, you alright?" She asks. "Yeah." I reply. "Y/n has made delicious pies for dessert." His mom says excited and putting a slice in every plate. "She slept?" I ask as Tom as he sits next to me. He nods.

After some time they all bid farewell and left. "Now Thomas." His mom says dragging him into the kitchen. "Talk to her." She says leaving us both. "Y/n, look. I'm.. I'm really really sorry. I know its gonna be hard but I thought we all could move there. You know." He says struggling what to say. "So you just cared about the movie? I know how much your career means to you but did you even think of me? Emily? Your mom or the brothers?" I ask. He stood silent. "Tom, you are succeeded in every movie now. I'm sure you will get a better one than this, son." His mom says joining us. "Have you been listening to us?" Tom asks with a frown. "Just helping." She says smiling.

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